Largefiles - moving basestore._openstore somewhere else

Yuya Nishihara yuya at
Thu May 5 03:53:38 EDT 2016

On Wed, 4 May 2016 16:47:17 +0200, Piotr Listkiewicz wrote:
> Function basestore._openstore causes cyclic references:
> basestore -> localstore -> basestore
> basestore -> wirestore -> basestore
> Function _openstore cant be moved to lfutil because it is used in
> localstore and wirestore modules. Other place where function could be moved
> is lfcommands and it does not cause cyclic reference, but IMHO this place
> doesn't seem right.
> Its probable that this function should be moved to new module, but i have
> no idea what abstraction this module can represent beside containing this
> function.
> Im looking forward for ideas whats the best way to resolve this.

Two other ideas came to me:

a) move utility functions to basestore or storeutil, and move the factory to

% grep 'lfutil\.' hgext/largefiles/*
hgext/largefiles/        util.makedirs(lfutil.storepath(self.repo, ''))
hgext/largefiles/        storefilename = lfutil.storepath(self.repo, hash)
hgext/largefiles/        lfutil.linktousercache(self.repo, hash)
hgext/largefiles/                filename = lfutil.splitstandin(standin)
hgext/largefiles/        except lfutil.storeprotonotcapable:
hgext/largefiles/        if lfutil.instore(self.remote, hash):
hgext/largefiles/, lfutil.storepath(self.remote, hash))
hgext/largefiles/            retval[hash] = lfutil.instore(self.remote, hash)
hgext/largefiles/        path = lfutil.findfile(self.remote, hash)
hgext/largefiles/            return lfutil.copyandhash(fd, tmpfile)
hgext/largefiles/            storepath, exists = lfutil.findstorepath(self.remote, expectedhash)
hgext/largefiles/                actualhash = lfutil.hashfile(storepath)
hgext/largefiles/            fd = lfutil.httpsendfile(self.ui, filename)
hgext/largefiles/        return lfutil.copyandhash(chunks, tmpfile)
hgext/largefiles/            raise lfutil.storeprotonotcapable([])
hgext/largefiles/            raise lfutil.storeprotonotcapable(storetypes)

b) merge * as they are small

% wc -l hgext/largefiles/*
  226 hgext/largefiles/
   61 hgext/largefiles/
  108 hgext/largefiles/
   36 hgext/largefiles/
  431 total

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