[PATCH 1 of 2 v8] graft: support grafting across move/copy (issue4028)

Yuya Nishihara yuya at tcha.org
Wed Sep 14 12:09:57 EDT 2016

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 17:25:45 +0000, Gábor STEFANIK wrote:
> > I thought callers could compute ca and cta by themselves since they explicitly
> > pass a pseudo ca, but maybe I'm wrong. If that's already been discussed,
> > there's no reason to complain. Sorry for the noise.
> In certain "hg update" scenarios, mergemod.update may be called with ancestor=None,
> and we can still end up with a fake ca (in a completely sane way). Also, there are quite a few extensions
> both in and out of tree, that call mergemod.update with or without an explicit ca, which may or may not
> be a real common ancestor.
> Then there is also the case when "ca" is a common ancestor of both c1 and c2, but ca != c1.ancestor(c2)
> This case is an ungraftlike merge, and should not use the graft logic. It can happen e.g. due to bidmerge.
> Finally, there are cases of "hg graft" where ca==cta, and thus a graft command can involve an ungraftlike
> merge. There is no way for the caller to detect this, except by calling descendant().

Great explanation, many thanks. I didn't know the bidmerge case.

> > I'm not sure if this is a relevant example, but given the following history, I got
> > different results by a) "graft 6 to 10" and b) "graft 7 to 10", which seems
> > suspicious.
> >
> > @  10: a
> > |
> > | +  9: c
> > | |
> > | +  8: d->()
> > | |
> > | | +  7: d
> > | |/
> > | | +  6: c
> > | |/
> > | +    5: c,d
> > | |\
> > | | +  4: b->d
> > | | |
> > | + |  3: b->c
> > | |/
> > | +  2: a->b
> > |/
> > o  1: a
> > |
> > o  0: ()->a


> This looks like a separate (though related) issue to me. Turning the DAG around causes "a" to be both "moved from c" and "moved from d", a ypoc-like scenario. The problem is, mergecopies' callers expect the "copy" return value to be a many-to-one mapping of targets to sources, when it's actually many-to-many in this scenario. Fixable, but I would rather handle this in a followup issue (that I intend to do still in the 4.0 timeframe), since it's not a regression, and the patch has already grown quite big.

Yes, this is ypoc-like, both "graft 6" and "graft 7" are ambiguous since
there are two sources 'c' and 'd' possibly to be merged to 'a'.

checkcopies() is getting complicated to support rotated DAG, and I'm afraid
it will be more complicated in future (or we'll have to decide a complete
rewrite.) That makes me feel extending checkcopies() isn't the best way
to work around simple graft scenarios for 4.0 timeframe.

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