Moving fb extensions to core.

Gregory Szorc gregory.szorc at
Thu Jul 6 20:20:40 EDT 2017

On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Durham Goode <durham at> wrote:

> On 7/6/17 2:10 PM, Kevin Bullock wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 2017, at 13:13, Pulkit Goyal <7895pulkit at> wrote:
>>> morsestatus: This extension wraps the status command to show more
>>> things about the current state of the repo by showing if histedit,
>>> bisect, graft, unshelve, rebase or merge is going on and show how to
>>> continue and abort that state. I personally think adding a --more flag
>>> will be good.
>> That sounds like `hg summary` to me, or at least sounds like things that
>> `hg summary` ought to show. Another idea that I poked at a while back at
>> Matt's behest, but never finished: having `hg summary` show what would
>> happen on an `hg update`.
>> To me, this extra info doesn't feel like a great fit for `hg status`,
>> which also doesn't show things like: the current branch name, current
>> commit ID, number of parents, etc. `hg status` has always just been about
>> the state of the files in the working copy.
> In general I find hg summary to be borderline useless, once you have
> smartlog.
> The working copy parent, branch, and bookmark it shows are all better
> shown via smartlog / 'hg show work'.  The number of modified/unknown/added
> files isn't useful and better served by hg status anyway.  The "update:"
> field is confusing and I still don't understand what it means.  Same for
> the phases field.
> So really the only useful thing I find about summary is when it tells me
> I'm in a rebase/histedit/merge state, but that's only useful when I forget
> I'm in that state, in which case I'm not usually running hg summary.

I thought the general sentiment that `hg summary` is near useless is what's
led to features being thrown at it so it is more useful?

I wonder if we could throw a very minimal DAG into summary to make it more
useful. We probably want something that looks a lot like `hg show
work/stack`, but without old draft heads (in the case of work) and eliding
changesets in both cases so we limit how much is shown. Probably something
like "the 5 changesets around wdir parent." We could go in the opposite
direction and start adding some of the useful state info to `hg show`.
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