[PATCH V2] rebase: move bookmark to destination for commits becoming empty (issue5627)

Martin von Zweigbergk martinvonz at google.com
Mon Jul 24 21:30:42 EDT 2017

On Jul 24, 2017 6:03 PM, "Jun Wu" <quark at fb.com> wrote:

Per discussion with Adam, it's breaking user expectation that bookmarks are
used to identify feature branches (not to identify a single commit), and is
not that rare with rebase.rebaseskipobsolete disabled (we do currently). So
I'll send a patch.

That was my impression too, so thanks for sending a patch.

We also discovered many subtle behaviors that might be worth to reconsider.
But let's discuss them after freeze.

I saw that this patch is not public yet. So feel free to discard this.

Yeah, I actually thought I had pushed it. I discovered this morning that I
had not, but then I had also discovered the regression, so I figured I'd

Excerpts from Jun Wu's message of 2017-07-24 16:47:00 -0700:
> Good case.  I agree the previous behavior is better, but the current
> behavior also looks okay to me. I think we can reuse `adjusteddest` in D21
> to cleanly solve this (and other corner cases).
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