[PATCH] bookmarks: rename the active bookmark with no arguments

demelier.david at gmail.com demelier.david at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 03:09:20 EDT 2017

On Mon, 2017-07-24 at 21:28 -0400, Augie Fackler wrote:
> I think this feels okay-ish. David, please re-send after August 1st.
> (Sorry this feel through the cracks.)

Yes, I'll also update it to use '.' argument instead as it's common in
several other commands (hg push/pull -B .) to specify the active
bookmark and it also addresses the issues that Ryan pointed out. It
does not swap the logic of old/new selection.

Thus, we will have the following behaviour:

hg book -m old_new (as before)
hg book -m . new (rename the active bookmark to new if any)



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