[PATCH] obsolete: add operation metadata to rebase/amend/histedit obsmarkers

Jun Wu quark at fb.com
Fri May 19 12:54:42 EDT 2017

Excerpts from Martin von Zweigbergk's message of 2017-05-19 09:39:41 -0700:
> I agree with Pierre-Yves that the bit-based solution seems better
> long-term. I'm not particularly worried about wasting bits. I was also
> happy for Durham's patch as a short-term solution. But since
> Pierre-Yves et al are already working on the bit-based solution, I'd
> prefer to give them at least a month to make progress on that.

I think the bits do not contain enough information. Consider "absorb", it's
"content-change" so would you show "amend as" or "absorb as"? There are
other content-rewriting commands that are not "amend".

The obsstore will have a format change to support hash-preserving (I'll try
to get some plans public in the near future) and I plan to de-duplicate all
strings stored there so space usage is less a concern.

Since the metadata contains more information and space usage will be
addressed in the next format (which will also dedup "user" metadata). I
don't think the flag idea should block the metadata change.

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