[PATCH 1 of 2] config: introduce load order tracking

David Demelier markand at malikania.fr
Wed Jul 11 07:32:39 EDT 2018

On Wed, 2018-07-11 at 00:01 +0900, Yuya Nishihara wrote:
> If the problem to be addressed by this hack is important, and if the
> hack is
> really simple, sure I would say go for it. But I, as an old Mercurial
> user,
> see the bulk renaming of the config keys is minor improvement.

I think it's important, consistency in a software shows a strong core
guideline applied and strict reviewing. The current hgrc manual shows
three different styles along with unreadable names like

Obviously my opinion is largely biased since I'm half author of the
ConfigConsolidationPlan [0].

What bothers me is that we agreed on a new syntax for new option style
[1] and it's still not applied, see server.streamunbundle and D3893.
However I think you're aware since you personally pushed my deprecated

Hopefully av6 helps me with it's reviewing :-)

[0]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/ConfigConsolidationPlan
[1]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/UIGuideline#adding_new_options



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