[PATCH 1 of 6] extensions: import the exthelper class from evolve ff799015d62e

Matt Harbison mharbison72 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 23:10:55 EST 2018

# HG changeset patch
# User Matt Harbison <matt_harbison at yahoo.com>
# Date 1543121473 18000
#      Sat Nov 24 23:51:13 2018 -0500
# Node ID d5a04a8016a270dce028bddb2483509e0429f113
# Parent  33d30fb1e4ae52a283ef487ccf5dfbe59b8a5a68
extensions: import the exthelper class from evolve ff799015d62e

This should help make extensions that wrap a lot of stuff more comprehendible.

It was copied unmodified, except:
  - fix up the imports
  - rename final_xxxsetup() -> finalxxxsetup() to appease checkcode
  - avoid a [] default arg to wrapcommand()
  - adjust the module name used to load the templates and revsets

It would be nice to figure out the extension that instantiates the class
automatically to handle the last item.  But since the load functions don't
actually do anything with this string, I think the TODO is good enough for now.

The helper class currently lacks uipopulate() and fileset support.

I'm not sure what licensing info to put in place, since it wasn't available on
the original copy.

diff --git a/mercurial/exthelper.py b/mercurial/exthelper.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/exthelper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+### Extension helper                                              ###
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from . import (
+    commands,
+    configitems,
+    extensions,
+    registrar,
+    revset,
+    templatekw,
+class exthelper(object):
+    """Helper for modular extension setup
+    A single helper should be instantiated for each extension. Helper
+    methods are then used as decorators for various purpose.
+    All decorators return the original function and may be chained.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._uicallables = []
+        self._extcallables = []
+        self._repocallables = []
+        self._revsetsymbols = []
+        self._templatekws = []
+        self._commandwrappers = []
+        self._extcommandwrappers = []
+        self._functionwrappers = []
+        self._duckpunchers = []
+        self.cmdtable = {}
+        self.command = registrar.command(self.cmdtable)
+        if '^init' in commands.table:
+            olddoregister = self.command._doregister
+            def _newdoregister(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+                if kwargs.pop('helpbasic', False):
+                    name = '^' + name
+                return olddoregister(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
+            self.command._doregister = _newdoregister
+        self.configtable = {}
+        self._configitem = registrar.configitem(self.configtable)
+    def configitem(self, section, config, default=configitems.dynamicdefault):
+        """Register a config item.
+        """
+        self._configitem(section, config, default=default)
+    def merge(self, other):
+        self._uicallables.extend(other._uicallables)
+        self._extcallables.extend(other._extcallables)
+        self._repocallables.extend(other._repocallables)
+        self._revsetsymbols.extend(other._revsetsymbols)
+        self._templatekws.extend(other._templatekws)
+        self._commandwrappers.extend(other._commandwrappers)
+        self._extcommandwrappers.extend(other._extcommandwrappers)
+        self._functionwrappers.extend(other._functionwrappers)
+        self._duckpunchers.extend(other._duckpunchers)
+        self.cmdtable.update(other.cmdtable)
+        for section, items in other.configtable.iteritems():
+            if section in self.configtable:
+                self.configtable[section].update(items)
+            else:
+                self.configtable[section] = items
+    def finaluisetup(self, ui):
+        """Method to be used as the extension uisetup
+        The following operations belong here:
+        - Changes to ui.__class__ . The ui object that will be used to run the
+          command has not yet been created. Changes made here will affect ui
+          objects created after this, and in particular the ui that will be
+          passed to runcommand
+        - Command wraps (extensions.wrapcommand)
+        - Changes that need to be visible to other extensions: because
+          initialization occurs in phases (all extensions run uisetup, then all
+          run extsetup), a change made here will be visible to other extensions
+          during extsetup
+        - Monkeypatch or wrap function (extensions.wrapfunction) of dispatch
+          module members
+        - Setup of pre-* and post-* hooks
+        - pushkey setup
+        """
+        for cont, funcname, func in self._duckpunchers:
+            setattr(cont, funcname, func)
+        for command, wrapper, opts in self._commandwrappers:
+            entry = extensions.wrapcommand(commands.table, command, wrapper)
+            if opts:
+                for short, long, val, msg in opts:
+                    entry[1].append((short, long, val, msg))
+        for cont, funcname, wrapper in self._functionwrappers:
+            extensions.wrapfunction(cont, funcname, wrapper)
+        for c in self._uicallables:
+            c(ui)
+    def finalextsetup(self, ui):
+        """Method to be used as a the extension extsetup
+        The following operations belong here:
+        - Changes depending on the status of other extensions. (if
+          extensions.find('mq'))
+        - Add a global option to all commands
+        - Register revset functions
+        """
+        knownexts = {}
+        revsetpredicate = registrar.revsetpredicate()
+        for name, symbol in self._revsetsymbols:
+            revsetpredicate(name)(symbol)
+        # TODO: Figure out the calling extension name
+        revset.loadpredicate(ui, 'exthelper', revsetpredicate)
+        templatekeyword = registrar.templatekeyword()
+        for name, kw, requires in self._templatekws:
+            if requires is not None:
+                templatekeyword(name, requires=requires)(kw)
+            else:
+                templatekeyword(name)(kw)
+        # TODO: Figure out the calling extension name
+        templatekw.loadkeyword(ui, 'exthelper', templatekeyword)
+        for ext, command, wrapper, opts in self._extcommandwrappers:
+            if ext not in knownexts:
+                try:
+                    e = extensions.find(ext)
+                except KeyError:
+                    # Extension isn't enabled, so don't bother trying to wrap
+                    # it.
+                    continue
+                knownexts[ext] = e.cmdtable
+            entry = extensions.wrapcommand(knownexts[ext], command, wrapper)
+            if opts:
+                for short, long, val, msg in opts:
+                    entry[1].append((short, long, val, msg))
+        for c in self._extcallables:
+            c(ui)
+    def finalreposetup(self, ui, repo):
+        """Method to be used as the extension reposetup
+        The following operations belong here:
+        - All hooks but pre-* and post-*
+        - Modify configuration variables
+        - Changes to repo.__class__, repo.dirstate.__class__
+        """
+        for c in self._repocallables:
+            c(ui, repo)
+    def uisetup(self, call):
+        """Decorated function will be executed during uisetup
+        example::
+            @eh.uisetup
+            def setupbabar(ui):
+                print 'this is uisetup!'
+        """
+        self._uicallables.append(call)
+        return call
+    def extsetup(self, call):
+        """Decorated function will be executed during extsetup
+        example::
+            @eh.extsetup
+            def setupcelestine(ui):
+                print 'this is extsetup!'
+        """
+        self._extcallables.append(call)
+        return call
+    def reposetup(self, call):
+        """Decorated function will be executed during reposetup
+        example::
+            @eh.reposetup
+            def setupzephir(ui, repo):
+                print 'this is reposetup!'
+        """
+        self._repocallables.append(call)
+        return call
+    def revset(self, symbolname):
+        """Decorated function is a revset symbol
+        The name of the symbol must be given as the decorator argument.
+        The symbol is added during `extsetup`.
+        example::
+            @eh.revset('hidden')
+            def revsetbabar(repo, subset, x):
+                args = revset.getargs(x, 0, 0, 'babar accept no argument')
+                return [r for r in subset if 'babar' in repo[r].description()]
+        """
+        def dec(symbol):
+            self._revsetsymbols.append((symbolname, symbol))
+            return symbol
+        return dec
+    def templatekw(self, keywordname, requires=None):
+        """Decorated function is a template keyword
+        The name of the keyword must be given as the decorator argument.
+        The symbol is added during `extsetup`.
+        example::
+            @eh.templatekw('babar')
+            def kwbabar(ctx):
+                return 'babar'
+        """
+        def dec(keyword):
+            self._templatekws.append((keywordname, keyword, requires))
+            return keyword
+        return dec
+    def wrapcommand(self, command, extension=None, opts=None):
+        """Decorated function is a command wrapper
+        The name of the command must be given as the decorator argument.
+        The wrapping is installed during `uisetup`.
+        If the second option `extension` argument is provided, the wrapping
+        will be applied in the extension commandtable. This argument must be a
+        string that will be searched using `extension.find` if not found and
+        Abort error is raised. If the wrapping applies to an extension, it is
+        installed during `extsetup`.
+        example::
+            @eh.wrapcommand('summary')
+            def wrapsummary(orig, ui, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+                ui.note('Barry!')
+                return orig(ui, repo, *args, **kwargs)
+        The `opts` argument allows specifying additional arguments for the
+        command.
+        """
+        def dec(wrapper):
+            if opts is None:
+                opts = []
+            if extension is None:
+                self._commandwrappers.append((command, wrapper, opts))
+            else:
+                self._extcommandwrappers.append((extension, command, wrapper,
+                                                 opts))
+            return wrapper
+        return dec
+    def wrapfunction(self, container, funcname):
+        """Decorated function is a function wrapper
+        This function takes two arguments, the container and the name of the
+        function to wrap. The wrapping is performed during `uisetup`.
+        (there is no extension support)
+        example::
+            @eh.function(discovery, 'checkheads')
+            def wrapfunction(orig, *args, **kwargs):
+                ui.note('His head smashed in and his heart cut out')
+                return orig(*args, **kwargs)
+        """
+        def dec(wrapper):
+            self._functionwrappers.append((container, funcname, wrapper))
+            return wrapper
+        return dec
+    def addattr(self, container, funcname):
+        """Decorated function is to be added to the container
+        This function takes two arguments, the container and the name of the
+        function to wrap. The wrapping is performed during `uisetup`.
+        example::
+            @eh.function(context.changectx, 'babar')
+            def babar(ctx):
+                return 'babar' in ctx.description
+        """
+        def dec(func):
+            self._duckpunchers.append((container, funcname, func))
+            return func
+        return dec

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