[PATCH 7 of 8] perf: introduce a perfrevlogwrite command

Boris Feld boris.feld at octobus.net
Thu Oct 11 04:01:50 EDT 2018

# HG changeset patch
# User Boris Feld <boris.feld at octobus.net>
# Date 1538556809 -7200
#      Wed Oct 03 10:53:29 2018 +0200
# Node ID 6082e717b3d85b7a66c35c8aeed74df73d5102fd
# Parent  38eab0ea4fb465c5e1c9565b3824e7d15edf150e
# EXP-Topic revlog-perf
# Available At https://bitbucket.org/octobus/mercurial-devel/
#              hg pull https://bitbucket.org/octobus/mercurial-devel/ -r 6082e717b3d8
perf: introduce a perfrevlogwrite command

The command record times taken by adding many revisions to a revlog. Timing
each addition, individually. The "added revision" are recreations of the
original ones.

To time each addition individually, we have to handle the timing and the
reporting ourselves.

This command is introduced to track the impact of sparse-revlog format on
delta computations at initial storage time. It starts with the full text, a
situation similar to the "commit". Additions from an existing delta are better
timed with bundles.

The complaints from `check-perf-code.py` are not relevant. We are accessing
and "revlog" opener, not a repository opener.

diff --git a/contrib/perf.py b/contrib/perf.py
--- a/contrib/perf.py
+++ b/contrib/perf.py
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ import functools
 import gc
 import os
 import random
+import shutil
 import struct
 import sys
+import tempfile
 import threading
 import time
 from mercurial import (
@@ -1562,6 +1564,149 @@ def perfrevlogrevisions(ui, repo, file_=
+ at command(b'perfrevlogwrite', revlogopts + formatteropts +
+         [(b's', b'startrev', 1000, b'revision to start writing at'),
+          (b'', b'stoprev', -1, b'last revision to write'),
+          (b'', b'count', 3, b'last revision to write'),
+         ],
+         b'-c|-m|FILE')
+def perfrevlogwrite(ui, repo, file_=None, startrev=0, stoprev=-1, **opts):
+    """Benchmark writing a series of revisions to a revlog.
+    """
+    opts = _byteskwargs(opts)
+    rl = cmdutil.openrevlog(repo, b'perfrevlogwrite', file_, opts)
+    rllen = getlen(ui)(rl)
+    if startrev < 0:
+        startrev = rllen + startrev
+    if stoprev < 0:
+        stoprev = rllen + stoprev
+    ### actually gather results
+    count = opts['count']
+    if count <= 0:
+        raise error.Abort('invalide run count: %d' % count)
+    allresults = []
+    for c in range(count):
+        allresults.append(_timeonewrite(ui, rl, startrev, stoprev, c + 1))
+    ### consolidate the results in a single list
+    results = []
+    for idx, (rev, t) in enumerate(allresults[0]):
+        ts = [t]
+        for other in allresults[1:]:
+            orev, ot = other[idx]
+            assert orev == rev
+            ts.append(ot)
+        results.append((rev, ts))
+    resultcount = len(results)
+    ### Compute and display relevant statistics
+    # get a formatter
+    fm = ui.formatter(b'perf', opts)
+    displayall = ui.configbool(b"perf", b"all-timing", False)
+    # sorts results by median time
+    results.sort(key=lambda x: sorted(x[1])[len(x[1]) // 2])
+    # list of (name, index) to display)
+    relevants = [
+        ("min", 0),
+        ("10%", resultcount * 10 // 100),
+        ("25%", resultcount * 25 // 100),
+        ("50%", resultcount * 70 // 100),
+        ("75%", resultcount * 75 // 100),
+        ("90%", resultcount * 90 // 100),
+        ("95%", resultcount * 95 // 100),
+        ("99%", resultcount * 99 // 100),
+        ("max", -1),
+    ]
+    for name, idx in relevants:
+        data = results[idx]
+        title = '%s of %d, rev %d' % (name, resultcount, data[0])
+        formatone(fm, data[1], title=title, displayall=displayall)
+    # XXX summing that many float will not be very precise, we ignore this fact
+    # for now
+    totaltime = []
+    for item in allresults:
+        totaltime.append((sum(x[1][0] for x in item),
+                          sum(x[1][1] for x in item),
+                          sum(x[1][2] for x in item),)
+        )
+    formatone(fm, totaltime, title="total time (%d revs)" % resultcount,
+              displayall=displayall)
+    fm.end()
+def _timeonewrite(ui, orig, startrev, stoprev, runidx=None):
+    timings = []
+    tr = type('faketr', (object,) , {'add': lambda s, x, y, z=None:None})()
+    with _temprevlog(ui, orig, startrev) as dest:
+        revs = list(orig.revs(startrev, stoprev))
+        total = len(revs)
+        topic = 'adding'
+        if runidx is not None:
+            topic += ' (run #%d)' % runidx
+        for idx, rev in enumerate(revs):
+            ui.progress(topic, idx, unit='revs', total=total)
+            text = orig.revision(rev)
+            linkrev = orig.linkrev(rev)
+            node = orig.node(rev)
+            p1, p2 = orig.parents(node)
+            with timeone() as r:
+                dest.addrevision(text, tr, linkrev, p1, p2, node=node)
+            timings.append((rev, r[0]))
+        ui.progress(topic, total, unit='revs', total=total)
+        ui.progress(topic, None, unit='revs', total=total)
+    return timings
+ at contextlib.contextmanager
+def _temprevlog(ui, orig, truncaterev):
+    from mercurial import vfs as vfsmod
+    if orig._inline:
+        raise error.Abort('not supporting inline revlog (yet)')
+    origindexpath = orig.opener.join(orig.indexfile)
+    origdatapath = orig.opener.join(orig.datafile)
+    indexname = 'revlog.i'
+    dataname = 'revlog.d'
+    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp-hgperf-')
+    try:
+        # copy the data file in a temporary directory
+        ui.debug('copying data in %s\n' % tmpdir)
+        destindexpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'revlog.i')
+        destdatapath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'revlog.d')
+        shutil.copyfile(origindexpath, destindexpath)
+        shutil.copyfile(origdatapath, destdatapath)
+        # remove the data we want to add again
+        ui.debug('truncating data to be rewritten\n')
+        with open(destindexpath, 'ab') as index:
+            index.seek(0)
+            index.truncate(truncaterev * orig._io.size)
+        with open(destdatapath, 'ab') as data:
+            data.seek(0)
+            data.truncate(orig.start(truncaterev))
+        # instantiate a new revlog from the temporary copy
+        ui.debug('truncating adding to be rewritten\n')
+        vfs = vfsmod.vfs(tmpdir)
+        vfs.options = getattr(orig.opener, 'options', None)
+        dest = revlog.revlog(vfs,
+                             indexfile=indexname,
+                             datafile=dataname)
+        if dest._inline:
+            raise error.Abort('not supporting inline revlog (yet)')
+        # make sure internals are initialized
+        dest.revision(len(dest) - 1)
+        yield dest
+        del dest, vfs
+    finally:
+        shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, True)
 @command(b'perfrevlogchunks', revlogopts + formatteropts +
          [(b'e', b'engines', b'', b'compression engines to use'),
           (b's', b'startrev', 0, b'revision to start at')],
diff --git a/tests/test-contrib-perf.t b/tests/test-contrib-perf.t
--- a/tests/test-contrib-perf.t
+++ b/tests/test-contrib-perf.t
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ perfstatus
                  Benchmark obtaining a revlog revision.
                  Benchmark reading a series of revisions from a revlog.
+   perfrevlogwrite
+                 Benchmark writing a series of revisions to a revlog.
    perfrevrange  (no help text available)
    perfrevset    benchmark the execution time of a revset
    perfstartup   (no help text available)
@@ -265,4 +267,16 @@ Check perf.py for historical portability
   contrib/perf.py:\d+: (re)
    >     from mercurial import (
    import newer module separately in try clause for early Mercurial
+  contrib/perf.py:\d+: (re)
+   >     origindexpath = orig.opener.join(orig.indexfile)
+   use getvfs()/getsvfs() for early Mercurial
+  contrib/perf.py:\d+: (re)
+   >     origdatapath = orig.opener.join(orig.datafile)
+   use getvfs()/getsvfs() for early Mercurial
+  contrib/perf.py:\d+: (re)
+   >         vfs = vfsmod.vfs(tmpdir)
+   use getvfs()/getsvfs() for early Mercurial
+  contrib/perf.py:\d+: (re)
+   >         vfs.options = getattr(orig.opener, 'options', None)
+   use getvfs()/getsvfs() for early Mercurial

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