D4642: localrepo: iteratively derive local repository type

indygreg (Gregory Szorc) phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Tue Sep 18 22:41:13 UTC 2018

indygreg created this revision.
Herald added a subscriber: mercurial-devel.
Herald added a reviewer: hg-reviewers.

  This commit implements the dynamic local repository type derivation
  that was explained in the recent commit
  https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/rHGbfeab472e3c0fa0dc911fd92cab356608c09df10 "localrepo: create new function for instantiating a local
  repo object."
  Instead of a static localrepository class/type which must be customized
  after construction, we now dynamically construct a type by building up
  base classes/types to represent specific repository interfaces.
  Conceptually, the end state is similar to what was happening when
  various extensions would monkeypatch the __class__ of newly-constructed
  repo instances. However, the approach is inverted. Instead of making
  the instance then customizing it, we do the customization up front
  by influencing the behavior of the type then we instantiate that
  custom type.
  This approach gives us much more flexibility. For example, we can
  use completely separate classes for implementing different aspects
  of the repository. For example, we could have one class representing
  revlog-based file storage and another representing non-revlog based
  file storage. When then choose which implementation to use based on
  the presence of repo requirements.
  A concern with this approach is that it creates a lot more types
  and complexity and that complexity adds overhead. Yes, it is true that
  this approach will result in more types being created. Yes, this is
  more complicated than traditional "instantiate a static type." However,
  I believe the alternatives to supporting alternate storage backends
  are just as complicated. (Before I arrived at this solution, I had
  patches storing factory functions on local repo instances for e.g.
  constructing a file storage instance. We ended up having a handful
  of these. And this was logically identical to assigning custom
  methods. Since we were logically changing the type of the instance,
  I figured it would be better to just use specialized types instead
  of introducing levels of abstraction at run-time.)
  On the performance front, I don't believe that having N base classes
  has any significant performance overhead compared to just a single base
  class. Intuition says that Python will need to iterate the base classes
  to find an attribute. However, CPython caches method lookups: as long as
  the __class__ or MRO isn't changing, method attribute lookup should be
  constant time after first access. And non-method attributes are stored
  in __dict__, of which there is only 1 per object, so the number of
  base classes for __dict__ is irrelevant.
  Anyway, this commit splits up the monolithic completelocalrepository
  interface into sub-interfaces: 1 for file storage and 1 representing
  everything else.
  We've taught ``makelocalrepository()`` to call a series of factory
  functions which will produce types implementing specific interfaces.
  It then calls type() to create a new type from the built-up list of
  base types.
  This commit should be considered a start and not the end state. I
  suspect we'll hit a number of problems as we start to implement
  alternate storage backends:
  - Passing custom arguments to __init__ and setting custom attributes on __dict__.
  - Customizing the set of interfaces that are needed. e.g. the "readonly" intent could translate to not requesting an interface providing methods related to writing.
  - More ergonomic way for extensions to insert themselves so their callbacks aren't unconditionally called.
  - Wanting to modify vfs instances, other arguments passed to __init__.
  That being said, this code is usable in its current state and I'm
  convinced future commits will demonstrate the value in this approach.

  rHG Mercurial




diff --git a/tests/test-check-interfaces.py b/tests/test-check-interfaces.py
--- a/tests/test-check-interfaces.py
+++ b/tests/test-check-interfaces.py
@@ -142,8 +142,10 @@
     ziverify.verifyClass(repository.ipeerbase, unionrepo.unionpeer)
-    ziverify.verifyClass(repository.completelocalrepository,
+    ziverify.verifyClass(repository.ilocalrepositorymain,
+    ziverify.verifyClass(repository.ilocalrepositoryfilestorage,
+                         localrepo.revlogfilestorage)
     repo = localrepo.makelocalrepository(ui, rootdir)
diff --git a/mercurial/statichttprepo.py b/mercurial/statichttprepo.py
--- a/mercurial/statichttprepo.py
+++ b/mercurial/statichttprepo.py
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@
     def canpush(self):
         return False
-class statichttprepository(localrepo.localrepository):
+class statichttprepository(localrepo.localrepository,
+                           localrepo.revlogfilestorage):
     supported = localrepo.localrepository._basesupported
     def __init__(self, ui, path):
diff --git a/mercurial/repository.py b/mercurial/repository.py
--- a/mercurial/repository.py
+++ b/mercurial/repository.py
@@ -1222,8 +1222,21 @@
         Raises ``error.LookupError`` if the node is not known.
-class completelocalrepository(interfaceutil.Interface):
-    """Monolithic interface for local repositories.
+class ilocalrepositoryfilestorage(interfaceutil.Interface):
+    """Local repository sub-interface providing access to tracked file storage.
+    This interface defines how a repository accesses storage for a single
+    tracked file path.
+    """
+    def file(f):
+        """Obtain a filelog for a tracked path.
+        The returned type conforms to the ``ifilestorage`` interface.
+        """
+class ilocalrepositorymain(interfaceutil.Interface):
+    """Main interface for local repositories.
     This currently captures the reality of things - not how things should be.
@@ -1439,12 +1452,6 @@
     def wjoin(f, *insidef):
         """Calls self.vfs.reljoin(self.root, f, *insidef)"""
-    def file(f):
-        """Obtain a filelog for a tracked path.
-        The returned type conforms to the ``ifilestorage`` interface.
-        """
     def setparents(p1, p2):
         """Set the parent nodes of the working directory."""
@@ -1572,3 +1579,7 @@
     def savecommitmessage(text):
+class completelocalrepository(ilocalrepositorymain,
+                              ilocalrepositoryfilestorage):
+    """Complete interface for a local repository."""
diff --git a/mercurial/localrepo.py b/mercurial/localrepo.py
--- a/mercurial/localrepo.py
+++ b/mercurial/localrepo.py
@@ -380,11 +380,32 @@
     """Create a local repository object.
     Given arguments needed to construct a local repository, this function
-    derives a type suitable for representing that repository and returns an
-    instance of it.
+    performs various early repository loading functionality (such as
+    reading the ``.hg/requires`` and ``.hg/hgrc`` files), validates that
+    the repository can be opened, derives a type suitable for representing
+    that repository, and returns an instance of it.
     The returned object conforms to the ``repository.completelocalrepository``
+    The repository type is derived by calling a series of factory functions
+    for each aspect/interface of the final repository. These are defined by
+    Each factory function is called to produce a type implementing a specific
+    interface. The cumulative list of returned types will be combined into a
+    new type and that type will be instantiated to represent the local
+    repository.
+    The factory functions each receive various state that may be consulted
+    as part of deriving a type.
+    Extensions should wrap these factory functions to customize repository type
+    creation. Note that an extension's wrapped function may be called even if
+    that extension is not loaded for the repo being constructed. Extensions
+    should check if their ``__name__`` appears in the
+    ``extensionmodulenames`` set passed to the factory function and no-op if
+    not.
     ui = baseui.copy()
     # Prevent copying repo configuration.
@@ -430,6 +451,9 @@
+    # Set of module names of extensions loaded for this repository.
+    extensionmodulenames = {m.__name__ for n, m in extensions.extensions(ui)}
     supportedrequirements = gathersupportedrequirements(ui)
     # We first validate the requirements are known.
@@ -490,7 +514,46 @@
     cachevfs = vfsmod.vfs(cachepath, cacheaudited=True)
     cachevfs.createmode = store.createmode
-    return localrepository(
+    # Now resolve the type for the repository object. We do this by repeatedly
+    # calling a factory function to produces types for specific aspects of the
+    # repo's operation. The aggregate returned types are used as base classes
+    # for a dynamically-derived type, which will represent our new repository.
+    bases = []
+    extrastate = {}
+    for iface, fn in REPO_INTERFACES:
+        # We pass all potentially useful state to give extensions tons of
+        # flexibility.
+        typ = fn(ui=ui,
+                 intents=intents,
+                 requirements=requirements,
+                 wdirvfs=wdirvfs,
+                 hgvfs=hgvfs,
+                 store=store,
+                 storevfs=storevfs,
+                 storeoptions=storevfs.options,
+                 cachevfs=cachevfs,
+                 extensionmodulenames=extensionmodulenames,
+                 extrastate=extrastate,
+                 baseclasses=bases)
+        if not isinstance(typ, type):
+            raise error.ProgrammingError('unable to construct type for %s' %
+                                         iface)
+        bases.append(typ)
+    # type() allows you to use characters in type names that wouldn't be
+    # recognized as Python symbols in source code. We abuse that to add
+    # rich information about our constructed repo.
+    name = pycompat.sysstr(b'derivedrepo:%s<%s>' % (
+        wdirvfs.base,
+        b','.join(sorted(requirements))))
+    cls = type(name, tuple(bases), {})
+    return cls(
@@ -666,8 +729,47 @@
     return options
- at interfaceutil.implementer(repository.completelocalrepository)
+def makemain(**kwargs):
+    """Produce a type conforming to ``ilocalrepositorymain``."""
+    return localrepository
+ at interfaceutil.implementer(repository.ilocalrepositoryfilestorage)
+class revlogfilestorage(object):
+    """File storage when using revlogs."""
+    def file(self, path):
+        if path[0] == b'/':
+            path = path[1:]
+        return filelog.filelog(self.svfs, path)
+def makefilestorage(requirements, **kwargs):
+    """Produce a type conforming to ``ilocalrepositoryfilestorage``."""
+    return revlogfilestorage
+# List of repository interfaces and factory functions for them. Each
+# will be called in order during ``makelocalrepository()`` to iteratively
+# derive the final type for a local repository instance.
+    (repository.ilocalrepositorymain, makemain),
+    (repository.ilocalrepositoryfilestorage, makefilestorage),
+ at interfaceutil.implementer(repository.ilocalrepositorymain)
 class localrepository(object):
+    """Main class for representing local repositories.
+    All local repositories are instances of this class.
+    Constructed on its own, instances of this class are not usable as
+    repository objects. To obtain a usable repository object, call
+    ``hg.repository()``, ``localrepo.instance()``, or
+    ``localrepo.makelocalrepository()``. The latter is the lowest-level.
+    ``instance()`` adds support for creating new repositories.
+    ``hg.repository()`` adds more extension integration, including calling
+    ``reposetup()``. Generally speaking, ``hg.repository()`` should be
+    used.
+    """
     # obsolete experimental requirements:
     #  - manifestv2: An experimental new manifest format that allowed
@@ -1329,11 +1431,6 @@
     def wjoin(self, f, *insidef):
         return self.vfs.reljoin(self.root, f, *insidef)
-    def file(self, f):
-        if f[0] == '/':
-            f = f[1:]
-        return filelog.filelog(self.svfs, f)
     def setparents(self, p1, p2=nullid):
         with self.dirstate.parentchange():
             copies = self.dirstate.setparents(p1, p2)

To: indygreg, #hg-reviewers
Cc: mercurial-devel

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