D6627: rust-parsers: move parser bindings to their own file and Python module

Alphare (Raphaël Gomès) phabricator at mercurial-scm.org
Wed Aug 14 20:40:07 UTC 2019

Closed by commit rHG83c836e8efcc: rust-parsers: move parser bindings to their own file and Python module (authored by Alphare).
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state "Needs Review".

  rHG Mercurial






diff --git a/tests/fakedirstatewritetime.py b/tests/fakedirstatewritetime.py
--- a/tests/fakedirstatewritetime.py
+++ b/tests/fakedirstatewritetime.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 parsers = policy.importmod(r'parsers')
+rustmod = policy.importrust(r'parsers')
 def pack_dirstate(fakenow, orig, dmap, copymap, pl, now):
     # execute what original parsers.pack_dirstate should do actually
@@ -57,16 +58,21 @@
     # 'fakenow' value and 'touch -t YYYYmmddHHMM' argument easy
     fakenow = dateutil.parsedate(fakenow, [b'%Y%m%d%H%M'])[0]
-    if rustext is not None:
-        orig_module = rustext.dirstate
-        orig_pack_dirstate = rustext.dirstate.pack_dirstate
-    else:
-        orig_module = parsers
-        orig_pack_dirstate = parsers.pack_dirstate
+    if rustmod is not None:
+        # The Rust implementation does not use public parse/pack dirstate
+        # to prevent conversion round-trips
+        orig_dirstatemap_write = dirstate.dirstatemap.write
+        wrapper = lambda self, st, now: orig_dirstatemap_write(self,
+                                                               st,
+                                                               fakenow)
+        dirstate.dirstatemap.write = wrapper
     orig_dirstate_getfsnow = dirstate._getfsnow
     wrapper = lambda *args: pack_dirstate(fakenow, orig_pack_dirstate, *args)
+    orig_module = parsers
+    orig_pack_dirstate = parsers.pack_dirstate
     orig_module.pack_dirstate = wrapper
     dirstate._getfsnow = lambda *args: fakenow
@@ -74,6 +80,8 @@
         orig_module.pack_dirstate = orig_pack_dirstate
         dirstate._getfsnow = orig_dirstate_getfsnow
+        if rustmod is not None:
+            dirstate.dirstatemap.write = orig_dirstatemap_write
 def _poststatusfixup(orig, workingctx, status, fixup):
     ui = workingctx.repo().ui
diff --git a/rust/hg-cpython/src/parsers.rs b/rust/hg-cpython/src/parsers.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/hg-cpython/src/parsers.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// parsers.rs
+// Copyright 2019 Raphaël Gomès <rgomes at octobus.net>
+// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+//! Bindings for the `hg::dirstate::parsers` module provided by the
+//! `hg-core` package.
+//! From Python, this will be seen as `mercurial.rustext.parsers`
+use cpython::{
+    exc, PyBytes, PyDict, PyErr, PyInt, PyModule, PyResult, PyTuple, Python,
+    PythonObject, ToPyObject,
+use hg::{
+    pack_dirstate, parse_dirstate, CopyVecEntry, DirstateEntry,
+    DirstatePackError, DirstateParents, DirstateParseError,
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use libc::c_char;
+use crate::dirstate::{decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple, extract_dirstate_vec};
+fn parse_dirstate_wrapper(
+    py: Python,
+    dmap: PyDict,
+    copymap: PyDict,
+    st: PyBytes,
+) -> PyResult<PyTuple> {
+    match parse_dirstate(st.data(py)) {
+        Ok((parents, dirstate_vec, copies)) => {
+            for (filename, entry) in dirstate_vec {
+                dmap.set_item(
+                    py,
+                    PyBytes::new(py, &filename[..]),
+                    decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
+                        entry.state as c_char,
+                        entry.mode,
+                        entry.size,
+                        entry.mtime,
+                    ),
+                )?;
+            }
+            for CopyVecEntry { path, copy_path } in copies {
+                copymap.set_item(
+                    py,
+                    PyBytes::new(py, path),
+                    PyBytes::new(py, copy_path),
+                )?;
+            }
+            Ok((PyBytes::new(py, parents.p1), PyBytes::new(py, parents.p2))
+                .to_py_object(py))
+        }
+        Err(e) => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(
+            py,
+            match e {
+                DirstateParseError::TooLittleData => {
+                    "too little data for parents".to_string()
+                }
+                DirstateParseError::Overflow => {
+                    "overflow in dirstate".to_string()
+                }
+                DirstateParseError::CorruptedEntry(e) => e,
+            },
+        )),
+    }
+fn pack_dirstate_wrapper(
+    py: Python,
+    dmap: PyDict,
+    copymap: PyDict,
+    pl: PyTuple,
+    now: PyInt,
+) -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
+    let p1 = pl.get_item(py, 0).extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+    let p1: &[u8] = p1.data(py);
+    let p2 = pl.get_item(py, 1).extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
+    let p2: &[u8] = p2.data(py);
+    let dirstate_vec = extract_dirstate_vec(py, &dmap)?;
+    let copies: Result<HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>, PyErr> = copymap
+        .items(py)
+        .iter()
+        .map(|(key, value)| {
+            Ok((
+                key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py).to_owned(),
+                value.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py).to_owned(),
+            ))
+        })
+        .collect();
+    match pack_dirstate(
+        &dirstate_vec,
+        &copies?,
+        DirstateParents { p1, p2 },
+        now.as_object().extract::<i32>(py)?,
+    ) {
+        Ok((packed, new_dirstate_vec)) => {
+            for (
+                filename,
+                DirstateEntry {
+                    state,
+                    mode,
+                    size,
+                    mtime,
+                },
+            ) in new_dirstate_vec
+            {
+                dmap.set_item(
+                    py,
+                    PyBytes::new(py, &filename[..]),
+                    decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
+                        state as c_char,
+                        mode,
+                        size,
+                        mtime,
+                    ),
+                )?;
+            }
+            Ok(PyBytes::new(py, &packed))
+        }
+        Err(error) => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(
+            py,
+            match error {
+                DirstatePackError::CorruptedParent => {
+                    "expected a 20-byte hash".to_string()
+                }
+                DirstatePackError::CorruptedEntry(e) => e,
+                DirstatePackError::BadSize(expected, actual) => {
+                    format!("bad dirstate size: {} != {}", actual, expected)
+                }
+            },
+        )),
+    }
+/// Create the module, with `__package__` given from parent
+pub fn init_parsers_module(py: Python, package: &str) -> PyResult<PyModule> {
+    let dotted_name = &format!("{}.parsers", package);
+    let m = PyModule::new(py, dotted_name)?;
+    m.add(py, "__package__", package)?;
+    m.add(py, "__doc__", "Parsers - Rust implementation")?;
+    m.add(
+        py,
+        "parse_dirstate",
+        py_fn!(
+            py,
+            parse_dirstate_wrapper(dmap: PyDict, copymap: PyDict, st: PyBytes)
+        ),
+    )?;
+    m.add(
+        py,
+        "pack_dirstate",
+        py_fn!(
+            py,
+            pack_dirstate_wrapper(
+                dmap: PyDict,
+                copymap: PyDict,
+                pl: PyTuple,
+                now: PyInt
+            )
+        ),
+    )?;
+    let sys = PyModule::import(py, "sys")?;
+    let sys_modules: PyDict = sys.get(py, "modules")?.extract(py)?;
+    sys_modules.set_item(py, dotted_name, &m)?;
+    Ok(m)
diff --git a/rust/hg-cpython/src/lib.rs b/rust/hg-cpython/src/lib.rs
--- a/rust/hg-cpython/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/hg-cpython/src/lib.rs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 mod conversion;
 pub mod dagops;
 pub mod dirstate;
+pub mod parsers;
 pub mod discovery;
 pub mod exceptions;
 pub mod filepatterns;
@@ -50,6 +51,11 @@
         filepatterns::init_module(py, &dotted_name)?,
+    m.add(
+        py,
+        "parsers",
+        parsers::init_parsers_module(py, &dotted_name)?,
+    )?;
     m.add(py, "GraphError", py.get_type::<exceptions::GraphError>())?;
diff --git a/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs
--- a/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs
+++ b/rust/hg-cpython/src/dirstate.rs
@@ -12,19 +12,14 @@
 mod dirs_multiset;
 use crate::dirstate::dirs_multiset::Dirs;
 use cpython::{
-    exc, PyBytes, PyDict, PyErr, PyInt, PyModule, PyObject, PyResult,
-    PySequence, PyTuple, Python, PythonObject, ToPyObject,
+    PyBytes, PyDict, PyErr, PyModule, PyObject, PyResult, PySequence, Python,
-use hg::{
-    pack_dirstate, parse_dirstate, CopyVecEntry, DirstateEntry,
-    DirstatePackError, DirstateParents, DirstateParseError, DirstateVec,
+use hg::{DirstateEntry, DirstateVec};
 use libc::{c_char, c_int};
 #[cfg(feature = "python27")]
 use python27_sys::PyCapsule_Import;
 #[cfg(feature = "python3")]
 use python3_sys::PyCapsule_Import;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::ffi::CStr;
 use std::mem::transmute;
@@ -44,7 +39,9 @@
 /// This is largely a copy/paste from cindex.rs, pending the merge of a
 /// `py_capsule_fn!` macro in the rust-cpython project:
 /// https://github.com/dgrunwald/rust-cpython/pull/169
-fn decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py: Python) -> PyResult<MakeDirstateTupleFn> {
+pub fn decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(
+    py: Python,
+) -> PyResult<MakeDirstateTupleFn> {
     unsafe {
         let caps_name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(
@@ -57,52 +54,7 @@
-fn parse_dirstate_wrapper(
-    py: Python,
-    dmap: PyDict,
-    copymap: PyDict,
-    st: PyBytes,
-) -> PyResult<PyTuple> {
-    match parse_dirstate(st.data(py)) {
-        Ok((parents, dirstate_vec, copies)) => {
-            for (filename, entry) in dirstate_vec {
-                dmap.set_item(
-                    py,
-                    PyBytes::new(py, &filename[..]),
-                    decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
-                        entry.state as c_char,
-                        entry.mode,
-                        entry.size,
-                        entry.mtime,
-                    ),
-                )?;
-            }
-            for CopyVecEntry { path, copy_path } in copies {
-                copymap.set_item(
-                    py,
-                    PyBytes::new(py, path),
-                    PyBytes::new(py, copy_path),
-                )?;
-            }
-            Ok((PyBytes::new(py, parents.p1), PyBytes::new(py, parents.p2))
-                .to_py_object(py))
-        }
-        Err(e) => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(
-            py,
-            match e {
-                DirstateParseError::TooLittleData => {
-                    "too little data for parents".to_string()
-                }
-                DirstateParseError::Overflow => {
-                    "overflow in dirstate".to_string()
-                }
-                DirstateParseError::CorruptedEntry(e) => e,
-            },
-        )),
-    }
-fn extract_dirstate_vec(
+pub fn extract_dirstate_vec(
     py: Python,
     dmap: &PyDict,
 ) -> Result<DirstateVec, PyErr> {
@@ -130,76 +82,6 @@
-fn pack_dirstate_wrapper(
-    py: Python,
-    dmap: PyDict,
-    copymap: PyDict,
-    pl: PyTuple,
-    now: PyInt,
-) -> PyResult<PyBytes> {
-    let p1 = pl.get_item(py, 0).extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
-    let p1: &[u8] = p1.data(py);
-    let p2 = pl.get_item(py, 1).extract::<PyBytes>(py)?;
-    let p2: &[u8] = p2.data(py);
-    let dirstate_vec = extract_dirstate_vec(py, &dmap)?;
-    let copies: Result<HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>, PyErr> = copymap
-        .items(py)
-        .iter()
-        .map(|(key, value)| {
-            Ok((
-                key.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py).to_owned(),
-                value.extract::<PyBytes>(py)?.data(py).to_owned(),
-            ))
-        })
-        .collect();
-    match pack_dirstate(
-        &dirstate_vec,
-        &copies?,
-        DirstateParents { p1, p2 },
-        now.as_object().extract::<i32>(py)?,
-    ) {
-        Ok((packed, new_dirstate_vec)) => {
-            for (
-                filename,
-                DirstateEntry {
-                    state,
-                    mode,
-                    size,
-                    mtime,
-                },
-            ) in new_dirstate_vec
-            {
-                dmap.set_item(
-                    py,
-                    PyBytes::new(py, &filename[..]),
-                    decapsule_make_dirstate_tuple(py)?(
-                        state as c_char,
-                        mode,
-                        size,
-                        mtime,
-                    ),
-                )?;
-            }
-            Ok(PyBytes::new(py, &packed))
-        }
-        Err(error) => Err(PyErr::new::<exc::ValueError, _>(
-            py,
-            match error {
-                DirstatePackError::CorruptedParent => {
-                    "expected a 20-byte hash".to_string()
-                }
-                DirstatePackError::CorruptedEntry(e) => e,
-                DirstatePackError::BadSize(expected, actual) => {
-                    format!("bad dirstate size: {} != {}", actual, expected)
-                }
-            },
-        )),
-    }
 /// Create the module, with `__package__` given from parent
 pub fn init_module(py: Python, package: &str) -> PyResult<PyModule> {
     let dotted_name = &format!("{}.dirstate", package);
@@ -207,27 +89,6 @@
     m.add(py, "__package__", package)?;
     m.add(py, "__doc__", "Dirstate - Rust implementation")?;
-    m.add(
-        py,
-        "parse_dirstate",
-        py_fn!(
-            py,
-            parse_dirstate_wrapper(dmap: PyDict, copymap: PyDict, st: PyBytes)
-        ),
-    )?;
-    m.add(
-        py,
-        "pack_dirstate",
-        py_fn!(
-            py,
-            pack_dirstate_wrapper(
-                dmap: PyDict,
-                copymap: PyDict,
-                pl: PyTuple,
-                now: PyInt
-            )
-        ),
-    )?;
diff --git a/mercurial/dirstate.py b/mercurial/dirstate.py
--- a/mercurial/dirstate.py
+++ b/mercurial/dirstate.py
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
-parsers = policy.importmod(r'parsers')
-dirstatemod = policy.importrust(r'dirstate', default=parsers)
+orig_parsers = policy.importmod(r'parsers')
+parsers = policy.importrust(r'parsers', default=orig_parsers)
 propertycache = util.propertycache
 filecache = scmutil.filecache
 _rangemask = 0x7fffffff
-dirstatetuple = parsers.dirstatetuple
+dirstatetuple = orig_parsers.dirstatetuple
 class repocache(filecache):
     """filecache for files in .hg/"""
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@
         # parsing the dirstate.
         # (we cannot decorate the function directly since it is in a C module)
-        parse_dirstate = util.nogc(dirstatemod.parse_dirstate)
+        parse_dirstate = util.nogc(parsers.parse_dirstate)
         p = parse_dirstate(self._map, self.copymap, st)
         if not self._dirtyparents:
@@ -1486,8 +1486,8 @@
         self.get = self._map.get
     def write(self, st, now):
-        st.write(dirstatemod.pack_dirstate(self._map, self.copymap,
-                                           self.parents(), now))
+        st.write(parsers.pack_dirstate(self._map, self.copymap,
+                                       self.parents(), now))
         self._dirtyparents = False
         self.nonnormalset, self.otherparentset = self.nonnormalentries()

To: Alphare, #hg-reviewers
Cc: durin42, kevincox, mercurial-devel

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