[PATCH 15 of 15] Threaded FastCGI module

vincent at ricardis.tudelft.nl vincent at ricardis.tudelft.nl
Wed Aug 24 16:49:23 CDT 2005

Patch subject is complete summary.

# HG changeset patch
# User Vincent Wagelaar <vincent at ricardis.tudelft.nl>
# Node ID b48e6d0b232a38560668b1c8be43cd5ab4b44ee5
# Parent  f859e9cba1b92000abe2c7628e0957918be5c32d
Threaded FastCGI module

diff -r f859e9cba1b9 -r b48e6d0b232a mercurial/thfcgi.py
--- /dev/null	Mon Aug 22 08:22:29 2005
+++ b/mercurial/thfcgi.py	Tue Aug 23 22:32:19 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+    thfcgi.py - FastCGI communication with thread support
+    Copyright Peter Åstrand <astrand at lysator.liu.se> 2001
+    Modified for MoinMoin by Oliver Graf <ograf at bitart.de> 2003
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. 
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+    $Id: thfcgi.py,v 1.1 2004/01/30 21:29:58 thomaswaldmann Exp $
+# TODO:
+# Compare compare the number of bytes received on FCGI_STDIN with
+# CONTENT_LENGTH and abort the update if the two numbers are not equal.
+# Imports
+import os
+import sys
+import select
+import string
+import socket
+import errno
+import cgi
+import thread
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import struct
+# Maximum number of requests that can be handled
+# Can this application multiplex connections?
+# Record types
+# Types of management records
+# Masks for flags component of FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST
+# Values for role component of FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST
+# Values for protocolStatus component of FCGI_END_REQUEST
+FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE = 0     # Request completed ok
+FCGI_CANT_MPX_CONN = 1        # This app cannot multiplex
+FCGI_OVERLOADED = 2           # Too busy
+FCGI_UNKNOWN_ROLE = 3         # Role value not known
+# Struct format types
+FCGI_BeginRequestBody = "!HB5x"
+FCGI_Record_header = "!BBHHBx"
+FCGI_UnknownTypeBody = "!B7x"
+FCGI_EndRequestBody = "!IB3x"
+class Record:
+    """Class representing FastCGI records"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize FastCGI record"""
+        self.version = FCGI_VERSION_1
+        self.rec_type = FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE
+        self.req_id   = FCGI_NULL_REQUEST_ID
+        self.content = ""
+        # Only in FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST
+        self.role = None
+        self.flags = None
+        self.keep_conn = 0
+        # Only in FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE
+        self.unknownType = None
+        # Only in FCGI_END_REQUEST
+        self.appStatus = None
+        self.protocolStatus = None
+    def read_pair(self, data, pos):
+        """Read a FastCGI key-value pair from the server."""
+        namelen = struct.unpack("!B", data[pos])[0]
+        if namelen & 128:
+            # 4-byte name length
+            namelen = struct.unpack("!I", data[pos:pos+4])[0]
+            pos += 4
+        else:
+            pos += 1
+        valuelen = struct.unpack("!B", data[pos])[0]
+        if valuelen & 128:
+            # 4-byte value length
+            valuelen = struct.unpack("!I", data[pos:pos+4])[0]
+            pos += 4
+        else:
+            pos += 1
+        name = data[pos:pos+namelen]
+        pos += namelen
+        value = data[pos:pos+valuelen]
+        pos += valuelen
+        return (name, value, pos)
+    def write_pair(self, name, value):
+        """Write a FastCGI key-value pair to the server."""
+        namelen = len(name)
+        if namelen < 128:
+            data = struct.pack("!B", namelen)
+        else:
+            # 4-byte name length
+            data = struct.pack("!I", namelen)
+        valuelen = len(value)
+        if valuelen < 128:
+            data += struct.pack("!B", value)
+        else:
+            # 4-byte value length
+            data += struct.pack("!I", value)
+        return data + name + value
+    def readRecord(self, sock):
+        """Read a FastCGI record from the server."""
+        data = sock.recv(8)
+        if not data:
+            # No data recieved. This means EOF. 
+            return None
+        fields = struct.unpack(FCGI_Record_header, data)
+        (self.version, self.rec_type, self.req_id,
+         contentLength, paddingLength) = fields
+        self.content = ""
+        while len(self.content) < contentLength:
+            data = sock.recv(contentLength - len(self.content))
+            self.content = self.content + data
+        if paddingLength != 0:
+            sock.recv(paddingLength)
+        # Parse the content information
+        if self.rec_type == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST:
+            (self.role, self.flags) = struct.unpack(FCGI_BeginRequestBody,
+                                                    self.content)
+            self.keep_conn = self.flags & FCGI_KEEP_CONN
+        elif self.rec_type == FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE:
+            self.unknownType = struct.unpack(FCGI_UnknownTypeBody, self.content)
+        elif self.rec_type == FCGI_GET_VALUES or self.rec_type == FCGI_PARAMS:
+            self.values = {}
+            pos = 0
+            while pos < len(self.content):
+                name, value, pos = self.read_pair(self.content, pos)
+                self.values[name] = value
+        elif self.rec_type == FCGI_END_REQUEST:
+            (self.appStatus,
+             self.protocolStatus) = struct.unpack(FCGI_EndRequestBody,
+                                                  self.content)
+        return 1
+    def writeRecord(self, sock):
+        """Write a FastCGI record to the server."""
+        content = self.content
+        if self.rec_type == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST:
+            content = struct.pack(FCGI_BeginRequestBody, self.role, self.flags)
+        elif self.rec_type == FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE:
+            content = struct.pack(FCGI_UnknownTypeBody, self.unknownType)
+        elif self.rec_type == FCGI_GET_VALUES or self.rec_type == FCGI_PARAMS:
+            content = ""
+            for i in self.values.keys():
+                content = content + self.write_pair(i, self.values[i])
+        elif self.rec_type == FCGI_END_REQUEST:
+            content = struct.pack(FCGI_EndRequestBody, self.appStatus,
+                                  self.protocolStatus)
+        # Align to 8-byte boundary
+        clen = len(content)
+        padlen = ((clen + 7) & 0xfff8) - clen
+        hdr = struct.pack(FCGI_Record_header, self.version, self.rec_type,
+                          self.req_id, clen, padlen)
+        try:
+            sock.send(hdr + content + padlen*"\x00")
+        except socket.error:
+            # Write error, probably broken pipe. Exit thread. 
+            thread.exit()
+class Request:
+    """A request, corresponding to an accept():ed connection and
+    a FCGI request."""
+    def __init__(self, conn, req_handler, multi=1):
+        """Initialize Request container."""
+        self.conn = conn
+        self.req_handler = req_handler
+        self.multi = multi
+        self.keep_conn = 0
+        self.req_id = None
+        # Input
+        self.env = {}
+        self.env_complete = 0
+        self.stdin = StringIO()
+        self.stdin_complete = 0
+        self.data = StringIO()
+        self.data_complete = 0
+        # Output
+        self.out = StringIO()
+        self.err = StringIO()
+        self.have_finished = 0
+    def run(self):
+        """Read records for this request and handle them through the
+        request handler."""
+        while 1:
+            if self.conn.fileno() < 1:
+                # Connection lost
+                return
+            select.select([self.conn], [], [])
+            rec = Record()
+            if rec.readRecord(self.conn):
+                self._handle_record(rec)
+            else:
+                # EOF, connection closed. Break loop, end thread. 
+                return
+    def getFieldStorage(self):
+        """Return a cgi FieldStorage constructed from the stdin and
+        environ read from the server for this request."""
+        self.stdin.reset()
+        return cgi.FieldStorage(fp=self.stdin, environ=self.env,
+                                keep_blank_values=1)
+    def _flush(self, stream):
+        """Flush a stream of this request."""
+        stream.reset()
+        rec = Record()
+        rec.rec_type = FCGI_STDOUT
+        rec.req_id = self.req_id
+        data = stream.read()
+        if not data:
+            # Writing zero bytes would mean stream termination
+            return
+        while data:
+            chunk, data = self.getNextChunk(data)
+            rec.content = chunk
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+        # Truncate
+        stream.reset()
+        stream.truncate()
+    def flush_out(self):
+        """Flush Requests stdout stream."""
+        self._flush(self.out)
+    def flush_err(self):
+        """Flush Requests stderr stream."""
+        self._flush(self.err)
+    def finish(self, status=0):
+        """Finish this Request, flushing all output and
+        possible exiting this thread."""
+        if self.have_finished:
+            return
+        self.have_finished = 1
+        # stderr
+        self.err.reset()
+        rec = Record()
+        rec.rec_type = FCGI_STDERR
+        rec.req_id = self.req_id
+        data = self.err.read()
+        while data:
+            chunk, data = self.getNextChunk(data)
+            rec.content = chunk
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+        rec.content = ""
+        rec.writeRecord(self.conn)      # Terminate stream
+        # stdout
+        self.out.reset()
+        rec = Record()
+        rec.rec_type = FCGI_STDOUT
+        rec.req_id = self.req_id
+        data = self.out.read()
+        while data:
+            chunk, data = self.getNextChunk(data)
+            rec.content = chunk
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+        rec.content = ""
+        rec.writeRecord(self.conn)      # Terminate stream
+        # end request
+        rec = Record()
+        rec.rec_type = FCGI_END_REQUEST
+        rec.req_id = self.req_id
+        rec.appStatus = status
+        rec.protocolStatus = FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE
+        rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+        if not self.keep_conn:
+            self.conn.close()
+            if self.multi:
+                thread.exit()
+    #
+    # Record handlers
+    #
+    def _handle_record(self, rec):
+        """Handle record."""
+        if rec.req_id == FCGI_NULL_REQUEST_ID:
+            # Management record            
+            self._handle_man_record(rec)
+        else:
+            # Application record
+            self._handle_app_record(rec)
+    def _handle_man_record(self, rec):
+        """Handle management record."""
+        rec_type = rec.rec_type
+        if rec_type in KNOWN_MANAGEMENT_TYPES:
+            self._handle_known_man_types(rec)
+        else:
+            # It's a management record of an unknown
+            # type. Signal the error.
+            rec = Record()
+            rec.rec_type = FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE
+            rec.unknownType = rec_type
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+    def _handle_known_man_types(self, rec):
+        """Handle a known management record."""
+        if rec.rec_type == FCGI_GET_VALUES:
+            reply_rec = Record()
+            reply_rec.rec_type = FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT
+            params = {'FCGI_MAX_CONNS' : FCGI_MAX_CONNS,
+                      'FCGI_MAX_REQS' : FCGI_MAX_REQS,
+                      'FCGI_MPXS_CONNS' : FCGI_MPXS_CONNS}
+            for name in rec.values.keys():
+                if params.has_key(name):
+                    # We known this value, include in reply
+                    reply_rec.values[name] = params[name]
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+    def _handle_app_record(self, rec):
+        """Handle an application record. This calls the specified
+        request_handler, if environ and stdin is complete."""
+        if rec.rec_type == FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST:
+            # Discrete
+            self._handle_begin_request(rec)
+            return
+        elif rec.req_id != self.req_id:
+            #print >> sys.stderr, "Recieved unknown request ID", rec.req_id
+            # Ignore requests that aren't active
+            return
+        if rec.rec_type == FCGI_ABORT_REQUEST:
+            # Discrete
+            rec.rec_type = FCGI_END_REQUEST
+            rec.protocolStatus = FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE
+            rec.appStatus = 0
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+            return
+        elif rec.rec_type == FCGI_PARAMS:
+            # Stream
+            self._handle_params(rec)
+        elif rec.rec_type == FCGI_STDIN:
+            # Stream
+            self._handle_stdin(rec)
+        elif rec.rec_type == FCGI_DATA:
+            # Stream
+            self._handle_data(rec)
+        else:
+            # Should never happen. 
+            #print >> sys.stderr, "Recieved unknown FCGI record type", rec.rec_type
+            pass
+        if self.env_complete and self.stdin_complete:
+            # Call application request handler. 
+            # The arguments sent to the request handler is:
+            # self: us. 
+            # req: The request.
+            # env: The request environment
+            # form: FieldStorage.
+            self.req_handler(self, self.env, self.getFieldStorage())
+            #, self.getFieldStorage())
+    def _handle_begin_request(self, rec):
+        """Handle begin request."""
+        if rec.role != FCGI_RESPONDER:
+            # Unknown role, signal error.
+            rec.rec_type = FCGI_END_REQUEST
+            rec.appStatus = 0
+            rec.protocolStatus = FCGI_UNKNOWN_ROLE
+            rec.writeRecord(self.conn)
+            return
+        self.req_id = rec.req_id
+        self.keep_conn = rec.keep_conn
+    def _handle_params(self, rec):
+        """Handle environment."""
+        if self.env_complete:
+            # Should not happen
+            #print >> sys.stderr, "Recieved FCGI_PARAMS more than once"
+            return
+        if not rec.content:
+            self.env_complete = 1
+        # Add all vars to our environment
+        self.env.update(rec.values)
+    def _handle_stdin(self, rec):
+        """Handle stdin."""
+        if self.stdin_complete:
+            # Should not happen
+            #print >> sys.stderr, "Recieved FCGI_STDIN more than once"
+            return
+        if not rec.content:
+            self.stdin_complete = 1
+        self.stdin.write(rec.content)
+    def _handle_data(self, rec):
+        """Handle data."""
+        if self.data_complete:
+            # Should not happen
+            #print >> sys.stderr, "Recieved FCGI_DATA more than once"
+            return
+        if not rec.content:
+            self.data_complete = 1
+        self.data.write(rec.content)
+    def getNextChunk(self, data):
+        """Helper function which returns chunks of data."""
+        chunk = data[:8192]
+        data = data[8192:]
+        return chunk, data
+class THFCGI:
+    """Multi-threaded main loop to handle FastCGI Requests."""
+    def __init__(self, req_handler, fd=sys.stdin):
+        """Initialize main loop and set request_handler."""
+        self.req_handler = req_handler
+        self.fd = fd
+        self.multi = 1
+        self._make_socket()
+    def run(self):
+        """Wait & serve. Calls request_handler in new
+        thread on every request."""
+        self.sock.listen(5)
+        while 1:
+            (conn, addr) = self.sock.accept()
+            thread.start_new_thread(self.accept_handler, (conn, addr))
+    def accept_handler(self, conn, addr):
+        """Construct Request and run() it.
+        Executed from run in a new thread."""
+        self._check_good_addrs(addr)
+        req = Request(conn, self.req_handler, self.multi)
+        req.run()
+    def _make_socket(self):
+        """Create socket and verify FCGI environment."""
+        try:
+            s = socket.fromfd(self.fd.fileno(), socket.AF_INET,
+                              socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            s.getpeername()
+        except socket.error, (err, errmsg):
+            if err != errno.ENOTCONN: 
+                raise "No FastCGI environment"
+        self.sock = s
+    def _check_good_addrs(self, addr):
+        """Check if request is done from the right server."""
+        # Apaches mod_fastcgi seems not to use FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS. 
+        if os.environ.has_key('FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS'):
+            good_addrs = string.split(os.environ['FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS'], ',')
+            good_addrs = map(string.strip, good_addrs) # Remove whitespace
+        else:
+            good_addrs = None
+        # Check if the connection is from a legal address
+        if good_addrs != None and addr not in good_addrs:
+            raise "Connection from invalid server!"
+class unTHFCGI(THFCGI):
+    """Single-threaded main loop to handle FastCGI Requests."""
+    def __init__(self, req_handler, fd=sys.stdin):
+        """Initialize main loop and set request_handler."""
+        THFCGI.__init__(self, req_handler, fd)
+        self.multi = 0
+    def run(self):
+        """Wait & serve. Calls request handler for every request (blocking)."""
+        self.sock.listen(5)
+        while 1:
+            (conn, addr) = self.sock.accept()
+            self.accept_handler(conn, addr)

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