Hourly snapshots are not up to date

Edouard Gomez ed.gomez at free.fr
Wed Aug 31 03:15:19 CDT 2005

Bryan O'Sullivan <bos <at> serpentine.com> writes:
> There's not much we can do about this, since Matt's not around.

Yep, i saw the post before, but just wanted to inform all ML readers.

> I would recommend going to http://hg.intevation.org/mercurial/crew,
> clicking on the first changeset in the list, and clicking on the "gz"
> link to download a tarball.

Is there a known problem about gz support ?

Here is what i get:
$  wget \
"http://hg.intevation.org/mercurial/crew?cmd=archive; \
node=9d9f4973c76ad99a1e977eecc652559e12f53aef;type=gz" \
-O hg-crew.tar.gz
$ ls -l hg-crew.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 edy edy 142504 Aug 31 10:06 hg-crew.tar.gz

(i had to cut down the URL line because of gmane.org posting scripts)

I don't think mercurial could be deflated that well ;-)

Looking at the file content show two things:
 - the contents are truncated
 - the contents are not gzipped, but they are tar'ed

I'm behind a Apache2+mod_proxy/cache.

Doing the same test on a local repo shows the same symptoms.

Doing the test with zip/bz2 causes no problem, the compressed archives are

Another annoyance seems to be that HTTP headers telling the filename are not
sent, as i was obliged to tell wget the filename with -O option. Firefox, 
has not this problem.

Edouard Gomez

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