absolute and relative paths with ssh

Zbynek Winkler zwin at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Sep 16 16:48:01 CDT 2005

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

>>I think that '/' as a separator between the host name and the directory 
>>is confusing unless the resulting path is absolute.
>It may be confusing to you personally, but it's the standard syntax:
Ok, I didn't know that. I based my expectations on scp 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_copy where the syntax is different

> scp fileToCopy user at host:directory/file
> scp user at host:folder/fileToCopy file

It just feels more natural to have the path relative to the home 
directory not starting with '/'.

I tried to read http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt but it is not that 
easy :(. However I didn't quite understand the section 3.3 Path that 
defines the part of the uri in question :(


PS. First I tought that the fact this uri works is a bug (according to 
the rfc).
But (according to the RFC) the first '/' gets eaten as a separator which 
leaves "~/hg/" to be interpreted relative to the users home directory. 
If that equals to "$HOME/hg/", it expands to "/home/user/hg/" which hits 
the case to define an absolute path (and that is where the double '/' 
comes from). Hmm.

But still - am I the only one who thinks that it is "strange" when
means the same thing as
IMHO it goes against the convention for http where
is really something different from

Shouldn't we respect that?

http://zw.matfyz.cz/     http://robotika.cz/
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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