Seperation of hg cilent server ?

Will Maier willmaier at
Tue Dec 12 16:14:36 CST 2006

On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 03:17:38PM -0600, T.J. Yang wrote:

Why don't you centralize the configuration management? Nobody (in
their right mind) _loves_ CFengine, but it seems like the right
class of tool for the job you describe. I'd use Hg to version
CFegine input files, and use CFengine to manage the nodes. The
central approach will scale much better, too: you needn't manage Hg
repos on each machine, via cron or otherwise. Recovery from system
or disk failures is also much simpler. You merely run your automated
install system and then use CFengine bring the base configuration in

I've used similar setups to manage small clusters of ~500 CPUs, and
small grids of up to several thousand CPUs. I couldn't imagine
managing one repo per node...


[Will Maier]-----------------[willmaier at|]

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