Repository collection practices

Josef "Jeff" Sipek jeffpc at
Mon Jun 26 12:31:59 CDT 2006

On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 09:43:29AM -0700, Eric Hopper wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 05:22:23PM +0100, Mark White wrote:
> > Out of interest: what kind of working practices do people have for
> > organising their collections of Hg repositories (which, under eg
> > Subversion, might live in a single tree?)
> My working practice is to have a directory for each project, and then a
> number of sub-directories, one for each branch I care about for some
> reason.
> Sometimes non-repository, project-related data is also put at the same
> level as the branch sub-directories.

I'm little bit more chaotic. I have a projects directory, where I dump my
projects (one per directory). If I clone a project, I just give it a
different name:

cd projects/
hg clone hg hg-gitweb

That's on the desktop/laptop/workstations. On the server I have a directory
for repos only. Which are for pull/push ops only. I use hgweb to export them
via http and ssh to push to them. Although, I'm going to give push over
https a try.

Jeff Sipek.

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