combining multiple changes into one?

Russ Cox rsc at
Wed Jun 28 14:31:59 CDT 2006

Apologies for the newbie question.  I have looked in the documentation
but didn't see anything relevant.  Do feel free to point me at docs if I missed

I am considering using Mercurial for some source management.  I use CVS
right now, for two fairly different purposes.  One is to synchronize with
myself across multiple machines and time.  I might check in a potential bug
fix and then try the resulting binaries for a few days before pushing the CVS
repository out to the world.  (I use rsync to copy my working CVS repo to the
world-readable repo.)  The second is to synchronize with the world.  Other
people stay in sync with the source I publish by using "cvs up".

Naturally, the bar for committing a change to synchronize with myself is a
bit lower than I'd like the bar to be for showing a change to the world.
Right now I just deal with it and publish my raw changes to the world and
so be it if the change messages aren't useful or the diffs publish my false
starts and mistakes.

What I'd really like is if I could combine multiple changes into a
single change,
with a new description, in such a way that the previous changes disappear
from view (except maybe in some metadata tracking that this new change
incorporates those others).  The diff for the new change would just be the net
result of the incorporated changes, not the sequence of them, so any
bad code that had since been deleted would not appear at all.

Is this possible with Mercurial?

Russ Cox

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