How to have tar.gz tarballs with hgwebdir?

David MENTRE dmentre at
Sat May 20 14:49:04 CDT 2006


I have configured a hgwebdir to provide a public access to my
repository. However, I've seen that some public Mercurial repositories
on the web (like the one of crew IIRC) allow the downloading of .tar.gz
of a given revision. How is it possible to do that with hgwebdir of
Mercurial 0.9?

Best wishes,
pub  1024D/A3AD7A2A 2004-10-03 David MENTRE <dmentre at>
 5996 CC46 4612 9CA4 3562  D7AC 6C67 9E96 A3AD 7A2A

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