Messages in patches

Patrick Mézard pmezard at
Fri Aug 3 10:23:28 CDT 2007

Insitu a écrit :
> Hello,
> I am new to mercurial and just started to use MQs. BTW, I discovered a
> big advantage of working with patch stacks instead of only stanadard
> repo commands: It helps keeping you focused on one feature at a time !
> My question is: I would like my messages to be aggregated when doing
> hg qrefresh. They seem to be replaced right now. Is this possible ?

Why not use qrefresh -e and edit the message directly ?

BTW, if you need to aggregate comments, it looks like you are 
aggregating features too. If so, why not keep those features separated 
until you really need a single patch and use qfold to aggregate them 
(with their message being concatenated) ?

Patrick Mézard

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