backing up my repositories, anything special needed?

Dustin Sallings dustin at
Sun Aug 12 15:10:46 CDT 2007

On Aug 12, 2007, at 4:50, Ben Hood wrote:

> That's interesting, I haven't looked at MQ in that way - does the
> patch queue get synchronized when you do a hg push? Or are you how are
> you backing up the patch queue?

	The patch queue is a different repository.  Where I use mq the most,  
I don't actually push hg changes at all.

	At work, we use perforce.  I sync perforce -> hg and do all of my  
work in my hg tree with mq.  I pull changes straight out of mq to go  
back into perforce and then delete them from mq and let them come  
back in through hg.

	I do use a revisioned mq and when I can't get changes back into p4  
soon enough, I will check in my patches locally and then I update a  
clone of that repository off of my machine.

	Actually, I also do this for patches that I don't want to go back  
into perforce.  I have a guarded patch for a somewhat invasive debug  
feature that is used occasionally.  If I check it in, it dirties up  
some of our public interfaces due to a framework deficiency, so mq  
lets me keep it out of the main tree, but still available in case I  
ever have to use it again.

Dustin Sallings

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