Exception on hg clone / hg pull

Guido Ostkamp hg at ostkamp.fastmail.fm
Fri Aug 17 09:32:42 CDT 2007


I've setup a huge repository here. When some users try to clone it
they are getting a Python exception at the end of the process. 
This can be repeated later when using a 'hg pull'.

It looks like this:

$ hg pull                                                                
pulling from ssh://hg@localhost/repository                               
searching for changes                                                    
no changes found                                                         
Exception exceptions.TypeError: TypeError("'NoneType' object is not
callable",) in <bound method Popen3.__del__ of        
<popen2.Popen3 instance at 0x4050f1ac>> ignored

The original checkout was done over 'ssh' connection and gave
a similar error message.

Mercurial version used is 2da57dc04aa8+20070816,
Python version is Python 2.5.1.

Does somebody know about the problem?



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