Setting up a central repository

Benoit Boissinot benoit.boissinot at
Tue Aug 21 10:54:52 CDT 2007

On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 11:59:14PM +0900, Imbeault, Jean-Christian wrote:
> Thanks for answering my questions Benoit. Still seem to have some
> problems though
> >You are supposed to use hg pull ssh://login@host/hgproj/repository/OES
> >(hg will call ssh with the right arguments)
> Oh. I've tried that and get this error about not finding a repository
> (even though there really is one)
> 	[jimbeaul at tklxecdev001 ~/hgproj/repositories/test]$ hg pull
> ssh://jimbeaul@tklxecdev001/home/aseqdsu/hgproj/repository/OES


(note the double /, otherwise the path will be relative to your home

> >If you want your users not to know the password for the account, you'll
> need to setup a correct .ssh/authorized_keys setup.
> >What command did you try that yield that error ? and what command did
> you put in authorized_keys ?
> The command was:
> 	[jimbeaul at tklxecdev001 ~]$ ssh -l aseqdsu tklxecdev001 hg
> version
> 	Invalid command `hg version' requested.
> And in authorized_key I have:
> command="/home/aseqdsu/hg-login
> jimbeaul",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding
> ssh-rsa
> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA3IXm5N0vf45Wuuv69UmzlwGdngifrKMfUZe1t8Vz+6/F
> O7yIDCSQP7DHQ7yOxldU7w8vJzo5CGvqF7f9bujmGBDl46pLxbgi7X40wUAU0W2BrxpqktHY
> eNPwuYto47r/m4RXwzksJqqgm4J7ga9Y18gD76VPHAxxehnnQrqfLEE=
> jimbeaul at tklxecdev001

I don't really know how hg-login works, but it probably doesn't allow
'hg version', only a combination of 'hg serve -R <repo> serve --stdio'



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