File not marked as 'M' when contents differ from repo

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Sat Jul 7 02:38:58 CDT 2007

Christian Höltje <docwhat at> writes:

> * Matthieu Moy (Matthieu.Moy at [070706 12:26]:
>> Matt Mackall <mpm at> writes:
>> > Doesn't help. The problem is knowing the problem exists. Once you're
>> > aware of it, you can just as easily add "sleep 1" to your script as
>> > add "--checksum".
>> And indeed, "--checksum" would take a lot more than 1 second in 99.9%
>> cases (that means actually reading the whole content of the tree
>> instead of stating each file).
> How about when the update happens, set the timestamp on the file
> *back* a second or so?  ie, pretend you started waiting a second ago
> instead of actually waiting?

I was thinking about something like this. It's not perfect, though:

$ make       # generated file gets time t
$ hg update  # source file gets time t-1
$ make       # generated file isn't re-generated.


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