Best way to mirror subversion?

Sean Kelley svk.sweng at
Wed Jul 18 14:41:34 CDT 2007

I have been using hgsvn to mirror some subversion repositories.  I
have a cronjob that does nightly calls to hgpullsvn in each mirror.
However, I just noted that there are artifacts gettting introduced
into mercurial repository.

A recent sync with our readonly mirror produced the usual
conflict marker text:

   <<<<<<<< .mine
   >>>>>>>> .r1234

It looks like spurious conflicts are being introduced into the text
contained inside the mirror repository.

But our files in SVN have never contained those kinds of failed merge
reports. Does hgsvnpull just do its work by checking out the pre-state,
applying the patch gotten by doing "svn diff -rM:N", then commit the

Should I not be using hgpullsvn?  Is it broken?  Is there a safer way to mirror?


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