Locking bug on Mac OS X over AFP

E. Wing ewmailing at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 20:13:20 CST 2008

Hello, I believe I have found a reproducible locking bug with
Mercurial (0.9.5). Using two Macs, both running Leopard, when using
the Apple File Sharing Protocol (AFP), a clone from a client machine
will permanently lock the original repo, which prevents further

To reproduce:

On Mac #1, create an initial repository:
1) mkdir LOCKBUG
3) echo "hello" > foo.txt
4) hg init
5) hg add
6) hg commit -m"Initial"

On Mac #2, mount Mac #1 using AFP (done through SHARED discovered
Bonjour list in Finder) and then run on Mac #2
7) hg clone /Volumes/ewing/LOCKBUG LOCKBUG

Repository will now be locked permanently. So for example, trying to
clone again on Mac #2 yields:
8) hg clone /Volumes/ewing/LOCKBUG LOCKBUG2
abort: Resource busy: /Volumes/ewing/LOCKBUG/.hg/store/lock

And trying to work with the repository on Mac #1 yields:
9) echo "world" >> foo.txt
10) hg commit -m"2nd"
waiting for lock on repository /Users/ewing/LOCKBUG held by 'mac2.local:1813'

(This process waits forever.)

I am using the Mercurial installation from the OS X installer package
described as:
2008-02-05: Version 0.9.5 + fixes through 2008-02-05
Mercurial 0.9.5-b7f44f01a632 for OS X 10.5

Both systems have this same version installed. Both computers are
running Mac OS X 10.5.1.


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