problems with bad symlink

Michael P. Soulier msoulier at
Fri Feb 15 08:31:25 CST 2008

So, somehow, I ended up with a symlink in my repository that points to the
file contents. I deleted it, but it's still coming in as part of a merge. So,
when I hg merge, Hg asks me if I want to delete it. I say yes, and I get this

soulierm at espresso:~/work/mitel-msl-tug$ hg merge
remote changed
root/etc/e-smith/web/django/teleworker/server-common/noframes_foot.tmpl which
local deleted
(k)eep or (d)elete? d
abort: could not symlink to '{\n    use Mitel::MSL::Branding;\n\n    # we can
snag lexical $fi_filename from Text::Template to find out how\n    # we were
called\n    $NO_FRAMES = ($fi_filename =~ /noframes_.*\\.tmpl$/) ? 1 : 0;\n
$USER_PASSWORD = ($fi_filename =~ /userpassword_.*\\.tmpl$/) ? 1 : 0;\n
$OUT;\n}\n<!DOCTYPE html\n    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
"">\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Mitel Standard
Linux</title>\n\n{ \n    unless ($NO_FRAMES)\n    {\n       my $brand = new
Mitel::MSL::Branding;\n       my $smecore =
$brand->fetch_web_link("sme_core.css");\n       my $smemain =
$brand->fetch_web_link("sme_main.css");\n\n       $OUT .= <<EOF;\n  <meta
name="copyright" content="(head.tmpl)Copyright 2003-2007 Mitel Corporation">\n
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$smecore">\n  <style
type="text/css"> \n  \\@import url("$smemain");\n  </style>\nEOF\n    }\n
$OUT;\n}\n   <script type="text/javascript"
src="/server-common/js/prototype.js"></script>\n</head>\n{\n  if
($NO_FRAMES)\n  {\n    $OUT .= <<EOF;\n<frameset rows="68,*" cols="*"
frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">\n  <frame
src="/server-manager/header.htm" name="header" scrolling="NO" noresize >\n
<frameset rows="*" cols="192,*" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO"
border="0">\n    <frame src="/server-manager/navigation" name="navigation"
scrolling="auto" noresize>\n    <frame src="/server-manager/initial.cgi"
name="main">\n  </frameset>\n</frameset>\n\n</FRAMESET>\n\n<NOFRAMES>\nEOF\n
}\n  else\n  {\n     my $panel = "Server manager";\n     my $img =
"server-manager.jpg";\n\n     $OUT .= <<EOF;\n<body>\nEOF\n  }\n\n  $OUT .=
<<EOF;\n<style type="text/css">\n<!-- \nspan.helpicon \n{\n  display:
inline;\n  position: absolute;\n  right: 5px;\n}\n-->\n</style>\n<span
class="helpicon">\n<a href="/server-manager/cgi-bin/help"
target="helpwin">\n<img src="/server-common/question_mark.jpg" border="0"
title="Help" alt="Help">\n</a>\n</span>\nEOF\n\n  $DB =
esmith::ConfigDB->open();\n  $OUT .= qq(<div class="sme-error"><h5>\n
Warning: you have not yet changed the default system password.</h5></div>)\n
unless ($DB->get(\'PasswordSet\')->value eq "yes");\n\n  $OUT .= qq(<div
class="sme-error"><h5>\n    Warning: a reboot is required before proceeding!
Failure to reboot now\n    may leave your system in an unknown
state!</h5></div>)\n    if ($DB->get(\'bootstrap-console\') and
$DB->get(\'bootstrap-console\')->prop(\'Run\') eq \'yes\');\n\n  $OUT;\n}\n{\n
my $LocalIP = $DB->get(\'LocalIP\')->value;\n\n   use Mitel::MSL::ClusterDB;\n
my $cdb = Mitel::MSL::ClusterDB->open_ro();\n   my $master = $cdb->master;\n
my @member = $cdb->get_all_by_prop(Address => $LocalIP);\n\n   $OUT = @member
? ($master eq $LocalIP) ? "" :\n    qq(<div class="sme-error"><h5>\n\tWarning:
This is a passive node of a cluster. Any changes you make here\n\tcould be
overwritten during node replication! Please make changes on the\n\t<a
href="https://$master/server-manager/">master node</a> instead.</h5></div>) :
""; \n}\n': File name too long:

I don't recall ever adding this, although the repository did move from Hg
0.9.3 up to 0.9.5. I suspect a bug. 

How do I fix this?

Michael P. Soulier <msoulier at>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It
takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction." --Albert Einstein
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