What is a branch?

Yao Zhang yaoz39 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 10:17:37 CST 2008

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 08:28:36AM +0100, Martin Geisler wrote:
> Yeah, I was just wondering what the advantage of the names were. And I
> guess I have figured that out as well: if Cb1 is on a branch named
> "v2" then I can go to the tip of that branch by doing a 'hg update v2'
> (if I have understood things correctly). So by naming a bunch of
> changesets with a common label, I get a kind of floating tag that will
> bring me to the tip of that chain. Is that correct?


> Except that this makes it more cumbersome to develop in a language
> like Python where you need to have your clone in PYTHONPATH (or at
> least that is how I do it -- I would love if anybody could tell me how
> to easily switch from one clone to another and still have the correct
> clone in my PYTHONPATH. Perhaps one could use a little extension that
> updates a symlink to point to the correct clone...).

I am not sure about the PYTHONPATH.  It seems I can make a clone



It's not whether you win or lose but how you played the game.
		-- Grantland Rice

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