initial merging for cvs conversion

Patrick Mézard pmezard at
Fri Feb 15 13:37:54 CST 2008

brianharris a écrit :
> This is a sort of feature enhancement request, though I'm not sure if this is
> already possible- hence this post.
> I'm converting a CVS repository to Mercurial.  AFAIK you have to convert one
> CVS module at a time.  My issue is about the end result of merging all the
> converted modules' repositories together.
> When I merge one at a time, the repo I merge _from_ gets all of its
> changesetIDs incremented by the highest id in the repo I merge _to_; this is
> expected but undesirable in this situation.  What I really want is for the
> changesetIDs to overlap based on the date, so that the various auditing
> tools that display changes in order of changesetID make more sense in the
> final converted repo.

Not tried, but you can merge everything into a single repository as you did then convert from mercurial to mercurial using --datesort option (I think there are still issues with this option, but it may be better than nothing).

Patrick Mézard

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