Reverse the way backout is doing the merge

Martin Sjögren martin.sjogren at
Thu Feb 21 04:15:28 CST 2008

tor 2008-02-21 klockan 10:35 +0100 skrev Peter Arrenbrecht:
> I believe this proposal is related to
> The current behaviour seems to be daggy, the proposed one not. From a
> theoretical point of view I would prefer the daggy behaviour. However,
> I have no practical experience with backout, so I cannot comment on
> its actual usability.

If I understand correctly, the diffs you see in a merge changeset is
towards the "first" child node, which is somewhat arbitrary, and what
the proposed change does is swap which is the "first" child in the merge
between the backout changeset and whatever you're merging with.

If I've understood correctly :-) this sounds like a good change, making
the diff from merging in a backout changeset more intuitive.

I can't see how you could end up with a history that's NOT a dag
(directed acyclic graph), wouldn't that be rather impossible?


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