Working with "legacy" svn

Nahuel Defossé nahuel.defosse at
Thu Jul 10 00:25:54 CDT 2008

Hi there.
I've been using SVN for 8 months now and I'm very happy with it though I've 
not succeeded in converting my coworkers, they still use svn for 
the "important things" as they say, leaving me to choose whatever I like for 
support projects.
There has been some issues with the SVN repos where the main line development 
was held, I tried to use hgsvn, but it failed. I googled and found an 
application called tailor with which I managed to convert one of the svn 
repos into a hg one (~15MB). I've done some local commits, now the question 
is, is there a way to get the changes I've made in the hg "tailoriezed" one 
back into the svn trunk? And, and If there are new changes, can i 
pull(update) them?

Has anyone dealed with this wierd SCM schema?


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