Again on EOLs

Ted Pavlic ted at
Mon Jun 9 07:48:03 CDT 2008

I notice that on my OS/X system, multi-line MQ messages default to Mac 
format even though I have

      :set ffs=unix,dos,mac

in my .vimrc. That is, if I do

      hg qrefresh -e

to type a multi-line message in vi, the message will be in mac format 
unless I

       :set ff=unix

at some point. Once I save the message as UNIX format, then everything's 
fine. But while things are in mac format, if I ever do:

       hg qheader

then multiline messages spool across a single line (i.e., there are no 
line feeds, only carriage returns).

I haven't tried setting ffs=unix,dos. That *MIGHT* fix things...?


hg user wrote:
> I still have problems with EOLs in two steps of my workflow.
> I use two PC, one in office, one at home. Repository is on a linux system.
> I'm now writing from home, where I'm using Tortoise HG, should be 
> release 3 (hg version is 04c76f296ad6+win32extras) with MQ.
> I have no problems in my office setup, but I don't remember which 
> version of tortoise HG I use.
> Files at office have UNIX EOLs.
> Problem 1:
> during mqmerge procedure, "hg qpush -m -a" invokes kdiff3. kdiff3 saves 
> mq patches file with Windows EOLs and this breaks qpush/qpop.... I read 
> just yesterday to add fixeol=true to mercurial.ini.... I will try
> Problem 2:
> I can't understand why on my home pc, but when I "hg update" a file, it 
> gets converted to Windows EOLs (this break qpush/qpop....)
> My mercurial.ini file contains:
> [encode]
> * = cleverencode:
> [decode]
> * = cleverdecode:
> In this case a "hg update" for a *.prg file is kept on UNIX EOLs while a 
> *.bat file gets converted to Windows EOL ! I also tried to clone the 
> repository and I get the same result.
> I also tried to disable the win32ext but the results I got are realy 
> strange: *.prg are correctly checked out, *.bat files are empty !
> As far as I understand, mercurial repository contains files in UNIX 
> format. And at office I don't have this problem (I can't check my office 
> setup till next monday)
> So, has anybody any idea on why mercurial keeps changing my EOLs ?
> Thanks,
> Francesco
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Ted Pavlic <ted at>

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