using hg-development version without installation

Martin Geisler mg at
Thu Jun 12 02:38:41 CDT 2008

"Henryk Gerlach" <hgerlach at> writes:

Hi Henryk

> I started to hack a bit on mercurials ui and web interfaces. I
> wonder how you could easily use the version you are hacking at. So
> far I always did a
> sudo python install --prefix /user/local/
> and even uninstalled mercurial from my distribution to avoid
> conflicts.
> Is there some shellscript that sets up my environment so that I use
> the current version that I'm hacking with?

Yeah, the Makefile distributed with Mercurial has several different

% cd mercurial-1.0.1
% make
Commonly used make targets:
  all          - build program and documentation
  install      - install program and man pages to PREFIX (/usr/local)
  install-home - install with install --home=HOME (/u/eis)
  local        - build for inplace usage
  tests        - run all tests in the automatic test suite
  test-foo     - run only specified tests (e.g. test-merge1)
  dist         - run all tests and create a source tarball in dist/
  clean        - remove files created by other targets
                 (except installed files or dist source tarball)

Example for a system-wide installation under /usr/local:
  make all && su -c "make install" && hg version

Example for a local installation (usable in this directory):
  make local && ./hg version

I normally install Mercurial using a simple

  python install --home=$HOME/opt

and add $HOME/opt/bin to PATH and $HOME/opt/lib/python to PYTHONPATH.
That has worked great for me on several machines.

> Does this work for the cgi-script to?

At the top of hgweb.cgi you will find these lines:

# adjust python path if not a system-wide install:
#import sys
#sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/python/lib")

You can use those to fix PYTHONPATH if it is not set correctly already
when you execute the CGI script.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
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