How to estimate a branchpoint for manually copied sources?

Martin Geisler mg at
Fri Jun 27 07:53:18 CDT 2008

Hans Meine <meine at> writes:

> I'd be interested in something similar: In the past, students have
> copied my code and worked on it. Now I have converted the original
> CVS repo (which they could not commit to, hence did not use version
> control) to hg and want to find out which revision their changes are
> based upon. I think this looks similar to the above:
> for every revision:
>       hg up -C <rev>
>       diff -ubdr . foreign/src | wc
> and use the revision with the smallest diff.

If you give your students the result of 'hg archive', then it is easy:
the archive will contain a file called .hg_archival.txt which tells
you the identity of the repository and the revision exported.

Martin Geisler

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