Any former SVK users on this list?

Georg gwk.rko at
Fri Jun 27 17:39:08 CDT 2008

Svk by itself is reasonable, IMHO.  But as soon as you try combining it with
SVN it gets messy.  E.g. if you try to get sophisticated, use
svk for mirroring an SVN repo then access the mirror with native SVN tools
like Tortoise or an Eclipse SVN plugin. There are hard rules
never to forget or you are in trouble. And the SVN clients running against
the mirror will be isolated, no integration with the mirror functionality --
you have to do that from the command line with svk.

I am much happier using just Hg now, esp. as native Hg client integration
like TortoiseHg, Eclipse plugins are appearing.  And. the "history
is a graph" appeals a lot to me.  No more need to remember creating a branch
when I back up one or two versions and want to try alternatives :)

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