How to estimate a branchpoint for manually copied sources?

Henryk Gerlach hgerlach at
Mon Jun 30 07:53:03 CDT 2008

> to find out which revision their changes are based upon.  I think this
> looks 
> similar to the above:
> for every revision:
>       hg up -C <rev>
>       diff -ubdr . foreign/src | wc
> and use the revision with the smallest diff.
Well it's not that hard. You can try this:
DIFFCMD="diff -ubdr -x \"*.hg*\" . $FOREIGNSRC"

NODES=$( hg log --template "{node} ")
for node in $NODES; do
      hg up -C $node > /dev/null
      diffcount=$($DIFFCMD | wc -l)
      echo $diffcount $node
      # $DIFFCMD
done  | sort -n | head
which shows you the ten most propable candidates.

Have a nice day,
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