Questions about transplant extension

Jesse Glick jesse.glick at
Thu Mar 6 20:27:03 CST 2008

Neo Jia wrote:
> I have tried it on local clones but it cannot keep record of the 
> transplanted changeset in cloned repository.

I just tried it and it _does_ keep a record of the fact that a changeset 
was a transplant, even in a clone... but does not use this information 
to stop you from transplanting it again. E.g. I make a repo 1 with some 
changes, clone part of it into a repo 2, transplant some changes from 1 
into 2, clone 3, ask to transplant the same change from 1. It goes 
ahead. An enhanced debugindex in 3 shows

>    rev    offset  length   base linkrev nodeid       p1           p2
>      0         0      97      0       0 80f1ac25ef77 000000000000 000000000000 {'branch': 'default'}
>      1        97      84      0       1 190a3e20c964 80f1ac25ef77 000000000000 {'branch': 'default'}
>      2       181      95      2       2 5c39e418ae0a 190a3e20c964 000000000000 {'branch': 'default'}
>      3       276     172      2       3 786588da224f 5c39e418ae0a 000000000000 {'branch': 'default', 'transplant_source': '\xd8\xc0\x95\x87\xfb\xab\xcb\xcbep\x15)\x96L\x05\x8ce\xbd\x0e{'}
>      4       448      53      2       4 7b4f8a60122f 786588da224f 000000000000 {'branch': 'default', 'transplant_source': '\xd8\xc0\x95\x87\xfb\xab\xcb\xcbep\x15)\x96L\x05\x8ce\xbd\x0e{'}

i.e. it knows that the penultimate changeset was a transplant but did 
not stop me from reapplying it.

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