Slime project considering Mercurial

Paul Franz theandromedan at
Fri Mar 7 05:46:23 CST 2008

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2008-03-07 08:06, Peter Arrenbrecht <peter.arrenbrecht at> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 5:28 AM, Paul Franz <theandromedan at> wrote:
>>> I ask because I have a large
>>> ClearCase installation that I am looking to move to Mercurial. But I want to
>>> make sure of two things:
>>> 1) It can clone the repository relatively quickly to our development team in
>>> India (i.e. half a world away)
>> If you have already created an hg version of your repo, I think using
>>   hg init temp
>>   hg -R temp in --bundle wiredata.bundle my-master-repo
>> will create in wiredata.bundle the exact data stream that would go
>> over the wire for the actual repo data.
> Yes, indeed.  But this will create a bundle with *all* the commits in a
> tree, including ones which have possibly been pushed out already to the
> development team in India.
> In newer versions of Mercurial, you can also do this without the extra
> 'empty' workspace, by using the --all option of `hg bundle':
>     % cd /ws/foo-project/releases/1.0-patches
>     % hg bundle --all /var/tmp/wiredata.bundle
> The initial `hg clone' of a repository may take a while, depending on
> the link speed.  Subsequent `pull' operations are blazingly fast though.
> I am pulling changes from the OpenSolaris source tree every week or so.
> The current OpenSolaris source repository contains a little over 6,000
> changesets for more than 40,000 files.  A `pull' completes on my home
> DSL link in a few seconds (i.e. less than half a minute).
> Creating a *full* clone over SSH to may take a while
> though.
> One of the easy ways to create *many* local clones in India is to create
> a hierarchy of `workspaces'.  One can install a local `gate' in India,
> and use the gate only for pulling changes from the official tree.  The
> local India developers can clone the local gate instead of the remote
> `master' tree.
So the local India developers would pull from the local gate repository 
but push to the one in the US, correct?

Paul Franz

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