Slime project considering Mercurial

Paul Franz theandromedan at
Wed Mar 12 11:32:29 CDT 2008

Jesse Glick wrote:
>>> one of the things the ClearCase enforces is that when you commit a
>>> change to the repository:
>>> 1) It must be the HEAD/tip of the branch. If it is not, then you
>>> need to merge your changes to the HEAD/tip, resolve any conflicts
>>> and then commit
> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> You can enforce a 'linear' history like this with Mercurial too.
> In fact to satisfy the above, everyone can just use 'hg fetch' before 
> pushing; you simply need to ensure that developers do not use push -f to 
> try to evade the need to merge their changes with remote, which can be 
> done by
>> enforc[ing] a single "head" in each branch.  You can make the
>> repository accessible only through SSH
> (or HTTPS)
>> and install a commit hook which aborts changesets which create more
>> "heads"
> such as
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