How to merge only changes of certain files of a given changeset into a working copy?

Marko Käning mk362 at
Fri Feb 27 05:57:23 CST 2009

Hi Shridhar,

> Merge the changeset and revert the files you don't want. 
that's quite a hassle, indeed...

> OTOH that will demonstrate by example, why changeset based approach is better 
> than tracking individual files :)
Yeah, well, that's a point you might argue with ClearCase guys for 
hours... They are so used to their spec-files that's hard to beat! I guess 
the equivilant to that must be a local clone or branch, but still - am 
afraid there is no way to reflect this in hg...

So, I guess to achieve a scenario like the following:


where you want to merge only changes related to tool1, you would have to 
organize it in seperate repos:


Every tool gets its own repo and you are fine, since an update to one tool 
doesn't affect the other two.

A concenptual thing, that's what it really is.

Thanks for the reponse.


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