Compiling thg-winbuild

Adrian Buehlmann adrian at
Sat Apr 3 11:08:22 CDT 2010

On 03.04.2010 01:22, Ryan Clark wrote:
> Hello all,
> First, I'm new 'round these parts, so please forgive me if I'm in the wrong place. Please tell me the proper place to go.
> I am having trouble getting ToroiseHG (--thg-release) to build. I got plain hg (--hg-release) and the thg documentation (--thg-doc) to build, but not --thg-release.
> I'm running an XP system, and I *think* I have followed the instructions in README properly. Maybe I did something out of order.
> In any case, I'm getting error 103 from "light." Earlier in the process there are similar errors ("LGHT0103") about missing DLLs, but the build continues.
> The full log is pasted below.
> Thanks for the help!
> Ryan

[giant snip]

>         link /OUT:terminate-x64.dll /nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO /MANIFEST shlwapi.lib gdiplus.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /DLL /DEF:terminate.def terminate.obj Thgstatus.obj RegistryConfig.obj ThgDebug.obj
>    Creating library terminate-x64.lib and object terminate-x64.exp
> terminate-x64.exp : warning LNK4070: /OUT:TERMINATE.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename 'terminate-x64.dll'; ignoring directive
>         mt -nologo -manifest terminate-x64.dll.manifest -outputresource:"terminate-x64.dll;#1"
> C:\Program Files\Tools\GTK\bin\libgailutil-18.dll
> C:\Program Files\Tools\GTK\bin\libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll
> C:\Program Files\Tools\GTK\bin\libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll
> C:\Program Files\Tools\GTK\bin\libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll
>         4 file(s) copied.
>         1 file(s) copied.
> running py2exe
> running build_py
> creating build
> creating build\lib
> creating build\lib\tortoisehg
> creating build\lib\tortoisehg\hgtk
> copying tortoisehg\hgtk\ -> build\lib\tortoisehg\hgtk
> copying tortoisehg\hgtk\ -> build\lib\tortoisehg\hgtk

Compared with a successful build here, I'm missing a couple of files in the
copying of gtk files step. Around that part it should look
something like:

        link /OUT:terminate-x64.dll /nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO /MANIFEST shlwapi.lib gdiplus.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib win
spool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Msi.lib /DLL /DEF:terminate
.def terminate.obj Thgstatus.obj RegistryConfig.obj ThgDebug.obj
   Creating library terminate-x64.lib and object terminate-x64.exp
terminate-x64.exp : warning LNK4070: /OUT:TERMINATE.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename 'terminate-x64.dll'; ignorin
g directive
        mt -nologo -manifest terminate-x64.dll.manifest -outputresource:"terminate-x64.dll;#1"
warning: skipped copying nonexistent 'terminate-x64.exe'
build-thg> if exist dist rmdir /s /q dist
.> copy "\GTK\bin\*.dll" build-thg\dist\gtk
       21 file(s) copied.
.> copy misc\gtkrc build-thg\dist\gtk\etc\gtk-2.0
        1 file(s) copied.
build-thg> python py2exe -b2

Did you install


as required by the README.txt?

It also looks like you didn't install gtk in C:/gtk as recommended.

I'm not sure anyone ever tried running it with gtk installed in a path
containing spaces ("C:\Program Files\Tools\GTK" in your case).

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