error installing mercurial

Warren Postma warren.postma at
Mon Apr 12 12:11:04 CDT 2010

re: J.C.Passy - " got the following error when trying to install mercurial

You didn't post the actual FIRST error you got. It got hidden inside
out.txt.  I suggest you read out.txt and learn from its content what is
missing on the system.

Last time I tried to do "make" on hg from source, my Debian installation
required a few packages (python-docutils and a few others).

It's really pretty easy. Read the output of make. See what tool it's
invoking that does not exist, and read that error, and figure out what
package to install, then install that package.

It took me all of three minutes to "build" and "install" hg from source.
:-)  If you do not have sudo (root) priveleges then email the list of
packages to your sysadmin and have those bits installed for you.

Here's the debian packages page, which shows the debian requirements for the
mercurial package.  These would also be reasonable prerequisites to
installing it yourself:

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