Simple question about the shelve extension

Aardwolf toiletpot at
Wed Apr 14 05:57:18 CDT 2010


I got the shelve extension ( I tried to shelve the working
directory and unshelve again, which worked.

Then I tried to shelve again. Now it says: "abort: shelve data already


-I thought the unshelve command would move the data from the shelf to the
working directory again, so that the shelf is "empty" again. Is it supposed
to work like that, or does it work different?
-How can I "clean" the shelve again, so that a next "hg shelve" command will
shelve my working directory again? Or what is "the" method to shelve,
unshelve, and later shelve again?

The usage scenario for me is using the shelve as a temporary way to store
the working directory, then doing things that aren't allowed while having
uncommitted changes such as merge or rebase, and then restore the working

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