Converting SVN repo used by morons

Jens Bäckman jens.backman at
Thu Apr 15 07:38:37 CDT 2010

Let me first state that Mercurial converts my repository just fine. No
errors, no lost files, whole history intact.

The repository I'm converting has an "interesting" past history. There
are several files in the early development history that were created,
modified, rewritten, deleted, recreated, deleted again... This makes
the history for one file look something like this:

r1: Created point.cpp
r8: Rewrote using pig latin
r12: Only use roman numerals
r19: Deleted idiotic file
r25: Reinstated idiotic file
r62: Deleted idiotic file again, it was 250kb of junk
r9841: point: Created point class
r14135: point: Made calculations use double instead of ints

What I want to do is keep all of the history, but remove the nonsense
changes to this specific file.

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