Convert from mercurial to Mercurial two times

Patrick Mézard pmezard at
Fri Jan 1 14:59:16 CST 2010

Le 31/12/09 17:44, Ithier de Lestrange a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a project that depends on a library. Both are Mercurial
> repositories. Recently I had to transfert files from the project to the
> library while keeping the history of the files.
> The solution that I found was to use the convert extension with a
> filemap parameter to specify the files to transfert. This work great the
> first time, but then I had to transfert another file and it doesn't work
> anymore.

That's a little weird but should work nonetheless. The problem is probably caused by convert incremental conversion support: it remembers it has converted these revisions from the source repository and skip them during the second run, even if the conversion parameters are different. You can avoid this by:

1- Converting file2 in another repository, pulling into the first converted repository, then merging.


2- Before attempting the second conversion, removing .hg/shamap.

Patrick Mézard

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