installing 1.4.2

Nicolas Dumazet nicdumz at
Mon Jan 11 23:56:35 CST 2010

2010/1/12 John Francis Lee <jfl at>:
> I'm sorry. I'm using
>  ubuntu 8.10
> and I'm installing from
>  mercurial-1.4.2.tar.gz

Alright :)

You OS, and the detail that you are installing from source is
important: others could have messed up packaging for example.

The code to display the version number is fairly simple:

    import __version__
    return __version__.simple
  except ImportError:
    return "unknown"

It is a hint in favor of a configuration error on your side, and more
likely, a PATH issue.

Could you please double-deck that PATH, and PYTHONPATH, both
  a) include the paths to your hg executable and libs
  b) do not conflict with a possible system-wide .deb-installed hg?

the file you checked might not be the one accessed by
the hg command, for example.


Nicolas Dumazet — NicDumZ

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