Managing Dependencies with Subrepositories - Partial Checkout and Commit/Push Propagation

till plewe till.plewe at
Fri Jan 22 04:35:13 CST 2010

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Michael P. Jung <mpjung at> wrote:

> That's why I would prefer if commiting and pushing subrepos
> would become more explicit.
> The ideal solution to me would be that if a repo A is pushed it checks
> if .hgsubstrate has been changed - if so, check if remote repo B is
> compatible with the content of the .hgsubstrate. When this is not the
> case bail out with an error message telling the user to push repo B first.
> --mp

The trouble with the concept of subrepos is that there too many use cases
which are impossible to cover with a single extension.

I usually use the forest extension with some modifications to allow
to be computed dynamically.

In any case I suggest that you look at subrepos and the forest extension and
modify (or adjust your work flow to) whichever is closer to your needs.

- Till
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