[RFC] reduce Cc: prompts in hg email

Christian Ebert blacktrash at gmx.net
Mon Jan 25 08:17:41 CST 2010

* Mads Kiilerich on Monday, January 25, 2010 at 13:50:30 +0100
>> Christian Ebert<blacktrash at gmx.net>  writes:
>>> At the moment the only way to turn off the Cc: prompt when you are
>>> using patchbomb is to have email|patchbomb.cc configured in your hgrc.
>>> Reducing the occasions for the Cc would mean a (minor) behaviour
>>> change.
>>> Some of the alternatives (no cc in hgrc):
>>> 1) Turn off Cc prompt altogether (behaviour like bcc)
>>> 2) Turn off Cc prompt when
>>>   [email]
>>>   cc =
>>>   "empty" value in hgrc
>>> 3) Turn off Cc prompt when --to option is given
>>> 4) Introduce a new config option, like askcc
> FWIW I would prefer if patchbomb generally didn't show a number of
> prompts (like a wizard, but without a way to go back or look forward
> how long you are in the process).
> Instead I would like it to show the values it would use (from config
> or command options) and what it will send, and then ask "are you
> sure" (unless a force or yes option is specified).

Ok, that means:

*Always* 1 prompt, but a different one ;-)

\black\trash movie    _C O W B O Y_  _C A N O E_  _C O M A_
                     Ein deutscher Western/A German Western

         --->> http://www.blacktrash.org/underdogma/ccc.php

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