Mercurial Kick Start - Subrepositories

Erik Zielke ez at
Wed Nov 24 03:34:02 CST 2010

2010/11/23 Stefan Rindeskar <sterin71 at>:
> Hello Erik,
> I think it's very nice that you write these kick-starts, so when I was
> reading this one and I spotted a few places that I felt could be
> improved I thought I would take you up on your suggestion to drop you
> a line.

Thanks, however I have only written the subrepository section. My
colleague Martin Geisler wrote the other sections.

> In the end it turned out to be quite a few so I hope you don't take
> this as criticism and know that I only want to improve on a very good
> kick-start to begin with. :)

Constructive criticism is always welcome. And I will soon fix the
things you have pointed out.

Erik Zielke
aragost Trifork

> Best Regards
> Stefan Rindeskar
> Below follows suggestions for improvements to:
> Some are just spelling errors and some are suggestions to try to make
> it more clear to the reader.
> ############
> allows you to threat a collection of repositories
> =>
> allows you to treat a collection of repositories
> ############
> Then the behavior will
> =>
> The behavior will
> ############
> We have now created two repositories, one nested within the other.
> This doesn't make the inner repository to a subrepository. The
> subrepository does also have to be marked as such in the repository
> containing the subrepository.
> =>
> We have now created two repositories, one nested within the other. But
> this alone doesn't make the inner repository to a subrepository. The
> subrepository also has to be marked as such in the repository
> containing the subrepository.
> ############
> Marking a subrepository is done by creating and entry for it in the
> special .hgsub file.
> =>
> Marking a subrepository is done by creating an entry for it in the
> special .hgsub file.
> ############
> # I'm not entirely sure if you meant "We also want to link ..." or as
> a suggestion.
> # So below is the suggestion variant. Else just omit the "do" from
> your original sentence
> We do also want to link a remote subrepository to our project
> =>
> We can also link a remote subrepository to our project
> ############
> is a repository and the given location
> =>
> is a repository at the given location
> ############
> Our changes are not committed yet, so this we will do now.
> =>
> Our changes are not committed yet, so we will do it now.
> ############
> # although inexistent is correct it is very rarely used so I changed
> to the widely used nonexistent instead
> pushed to, cannot end up with referring to an inexistent version of a
> subrepository.
> =>
> pushed to cannot end up by referring to a nonexistent version of a
> subrepository.
> ############
> This change do also has to be recorded in the repository above.
> Therefore you also have to commit that, which will as ...
> =>
> But this change also has to be recorded in the super repository. So
> you must perform a commit in the super repository also, which will as
> ..
> ############
> First we create some changes and commits them in the subrepository
> =>
> First we create some changes and commit them in the subrepository
> ############
> We realize that we want
> =>
> Now we realize that we want
> ############
> and the performing a commit from the main repository, Again to update
> and commit the .hgsubstate file.
> =>
> and then performing a commit from the main repository, again to update
> and commit the .hgsubstate file.
> ############
> # possibly to clarify which repository is which
> Therefore the repository is first updated
> =>
> Therefore the repository is first updated
> ############
> First we just makes the folder into an repository.
> =>
> First we just make the folder into a repository.
> ############
> mercurial repository and then using a filemap to specify we only want
> the certain folder.
> =>
> new mercurial repository by using a filemap to specify that we only
> want that specific folder.
> ############
> # writing it more generic
> changeset which edited in the file within the folder
> =>
> changeset which edits the files within the folder
> ############
> This repository we can now include as a subrepository as previously described.
> =>
> This repository we can now be included as a subrepository as
> previously described.
> ############
> hg commit and hg update goes recursively through the subrepositories.
> If there is no change in a subrepository during a command, then there
> will of course not be committed to that subrepository.
> =>
> hg commit and hg update goes recursively through the subrepositories.
> If there are no changes in a subrepository there will of course not be
> a commit performed in that subrepository either.
> On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Erik Zielke <ez at> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have made the aragost Trifork Mercurial Kick Start include a section
>> on subrepositories.
>> The guide can be found at
>> Please let me now if you spot any mistakes or updates, so they can be
>> corrected.
>> --
>> Erik Zielke
>> aragost Trifork ag
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