What do you do with MQ?

Waldemar waldemar at astyn.com
Tue Dec 6 13:46:02 CST 2011

On 12/06/2011 07:54 AM, Wujek Srujek wrote:
> I think this example:
> hg qimport -r tip ; hg qrefresh; hg qfinish -a
> is wrong. What happens if you pull in between the commit and the
> amend? Tip will move to the last pulled change, and you will amend the
> wrong commi! What you should probably do is:
> hg qimport -r . && hg qrefresh && hg qfinish -a
> Additionally, the && are better then ; as it can happen that some
> command does't work (line qimport can fail if you already have a patch
> with the same name, which by default is a revision number) the whole
> chains is cancelled.
> I use strip, all the ones that you mentioned. I also have 'camend'
> which is like amend bu uses qrefresh -e to just update the comment if
> I notice a typo. Apart from that, I use muliple queues instead of
> versioning, one for each branch. This serves me like a multilevel
> 'shelve'. I love mq.
> wujek
Using mq for fixing comments, and other meta data, is so common that I
wish there was a specific command for that, a la strip, which would also
work with merged changesets.  Currently mq trick only works with what
you can qimport. If you have to fix a merge comment you have to rollback
and re-commit.

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