problem cloning large file (32MB) on Windows/Network Shares

Steve Borho steve at
Thu Jan 13 20:29:12 CST 2011

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 7:59 PM, rollin <rollinforall at> wrote:
> Well, I currently only have a binary distribution; and building 3rd party
> apps on windows is a pain most of the time.  is it possible for you to
> supply me with the hg.exe (and/or whatever dll's) that I can just try out?
> if not, I guess I could download the source; read up on building in windows
> (and hopefully not requiring cygwin); build it; learn about applying a
> patch; and, finally, testing it.  This will take me some time.

Building Mercurial on Windows is involved, but does not require
cygwin.  You do however need VC2008, which is available for free via
the Visual Studio Express, or the Windows SDK.  Getting the C compiler
is the hardest part.

Beyond that you need to install Python (2.6 or 2.7 recommended) and
pywin32, clone the Mercurial source repository, then run 'python install'.

Steve Borho

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